He's My Dream Now

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Yandere Strawberry Nightmare X Original Dream

Request by: TomokoTamura

Aqilah: I've seen this ship comic before but not even a single book in Wattpad I could find but here then. I hope you like it.


Strawberry was standing at his brother's grave how sacrificed himself for his life. He was crying that the lost of his brother and he doesn't know what to do. It's been one year after Strawberry brother's death.

He forgot how to love himself. He sometimes try to be nice to someone but end up killing instead. One day someone changed his life when he saw the original Dream.

Dream met him when he felt negative in his AU so he decided to visit him. When Strawberry see him, he could feel his soul beating and he's looks exactly the same as him. He smiled and talks to him everytime.

Until he found out that Original Nightmare and Dream's friends hate him which made Strawberry happy that he can finally have the original Dream all by himself.

He can make Dream his new brother. He smirked evilly and make a plan to kidnap Dream. That night, Dream was sleeping in his room trying to forget that moment.

While he was still asleep, someone carried him up and teleported to the basement. The kidnapper laid him down on the bed that it was already prepared. He smirked before left him alone until he is finally wake up.


Dream wake up from his sleep and shocked that he was been kidnapped. He is very that he isn't chain up or tie up but he couldn't teleport away because of the anti magic surrounding him.

Then someone entered the basement to reveal Strawberry. The guardian asked why did he kidnapped him. The version of Nightmare just laughs and told him that all he wants is him to be his brother.

Dream though maybe he use him as his new brother? His old Nightmare hate him after all. How bad can it be?

After few days later when Dream lives with him. He realized that he was homesick that he missed his brother and his friends even though they hate him. So he decided to escape from him.

He knows it was bad to do but... He really missed them a lot. Strawberry found out that he is gone. He smirked insanely that Dream will never leave him alone like this just like his brother.

Dream runs into the woods while looking at his back if Strawberry is behind him. He thought he lost him but he bumps into him and shocked in fear. "Good night, my brother~." That is all what Dream hear before he passed out.


Dream opens his eye to his brother. "Morning brother..." He yawned. Strawberry looks at him with a smile.

"Morning to you too, Dreamy, what some strawberry cake? I made it for you~!" He said giving him a piece of strawberry cake.

Dream smiled and thanks him as he eat it. "Thank you, brother! You are the best!" He smiled at him happily. "Love you brother!"

"I love you too, Dreamy!" He smiled at Dream and glad that he replace all of those memories when that original Nightmare, his crew, and his friends hurt him.

Meanwhile, the original Nightmare was crying that his brother had forgotten him. He is now Strawberry's new brother and it was possible to bring him back to who he is. He shouldn't have hated him. Karma will always get you when you hurt someone the person who cares about you.

The End

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