Coloured With Blood

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Color X Yandere Killer


Request by:TheSparkleUnicorn1

Aqilah: Oh! My favorite OTP! Hope you like it and sorry if its suck so badly until you wanna get out off my book so badly (I don't really mind tho). And I choose Killer to be a Yandere. Sorry again if I wasn't the right one. (T^T) I really love to make the bad Sanses as a Yanderes and this will be Colour's P. O. V.


I was chatting with my friends, Abyss, Mecha, Kin, Beats, Ganz and V in my house. We laughed at the puns but some of us get annoyed by those bad puns.

While they were chatting about their own stuff. I felt someone was watching me behind my window. I looked behind me to the window and saw no one, not even a shadow. I jumped off the couch and walked toward it and open it up checking outside to see no one.

"Color, you okay, bud?" I turned his head to looked at Abyss who was asking a question. "You seem been disturbed."

"It was nothing maybe it's because of my mind?" I whispered at my reason as nobody heard what I said. I wonder what was disturbing me a lot?


It's been more than one year I've been stalked. I had no idea what's going on. Here's the creepy part. On Valentine's Day, (A/n: Which I doesn't celebrate that.)

A chocolate, a buttercup flowers and a love note. I accepted the chocolate and the flowers but the love note I don't. I just threw it away.

It repeatedly everyday like on Halloween, Christmas as well, giving a love notes to me instead I threw them. I burnt them in the fire pit.

Today, a normal day. I was about to go outside to stroll but once I open the door there's a note with a blood on it. I really wanted to burn it away but I felt my stalker was watching me behind the shadow.

I have no choice but to grabbed it and starting to read it after I flipped it.

Just love me already, Colour!! Why won't you me love me back!? How many times you threw my love notes for you away!? You were supposed to fall in love with me, Color! Falling for ME only! No one else!

If you finally reading this note then I'm very happy you had finally read this because I wanted you to–

I quickly closed the disturbed with a disgusting on my face. Then I opened again to see who wrote this... 'Obsessed with me' note.

From, K~🖤

K...? I've better go and show this to Abyss. He knows someone's hand writings so I walked off of my house to his house.

I teleported there and knocked the door to reveal Abyss who was unlocked the door and saw me.

"Hey, Color. Um... What are you doing here?" He asked as he told me to come inside the house to have a conversation.

"I have this note. Instead of a love note, I have an obsessed note." I replied giving it to him as he began to read.

His serious face changed into a disgusting face. He must be reading the disturbing part. "Oh my god, once you really got kidnapped, Color. You'll be 100% dead."

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