The Yandere Oreo Werewolf & Nightfall

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Yandere Cross X Dream

Request by:Limberprince


Yandere Nightmare X Fell

Request by:Glowy20

Aqilah: I'm sorry if you want Yandere Dream but... In the comments section. You wanted a Cream ship with is my favorite however, I have no idea which one do you like and I'm sorry that I didn't ask you but I hope you enjoy it.


Yandere Cross X Dream

In the deep woods, there's a little boy named Dream. He was bringing a basket of cookies for his friends. Nightmare (Passive Nightmare) baked   them for him.

Before Dream go, Nightmare told him that follow the path and never talk to strangers. The little boy nodded at his big brother before head out to his friend's house.

Dream went to the deep woods followed the yellow path, skipping around happily. He giggled until he heard someone groan in pain. He followed the voice as he saw a white werewolf sitting on the ground while holding his wound because of the Hunters.

The werewolf hissed in pain, staring at his would. "Got damn it!" He cussed as Dream walked toward him as he grabbed the werewolf's wound and heal him.

"There all better!" Dream said as the werewolf looked at his wound was gone.

"T-... Thank you, little one!" He said smiling at him. "What's your name?"


"I'm Cross, it's really nice to meet you, little Dream~." He stood up and bow at him making Dream giggled at the wolf. "Anyways, where are you going?"

"Sending the cookies for my friends! It's really nice to meet you too but I better go before the cookies getting cold, bye~!" Dream replied as he waved before running to the path.

Cross's heart began to pound when he heard the sweetest and adorable voice and Dream wasn't scare of him. He want him, no he need him even though he just met him but that boy was very special to him and maybe he can be his mate. He smirked as he began to follow Dream.

Dream finally made it to his friend's house after Cross did. He knocked the door, waiting for his friends to open it but in a few hours later, it didn't open. Where are they? It's been hours already!

He was about to leave until a door finally open to see no one. "Huh?" He went inside it and saw Ink and Blueberry were laying on the floor deadly as Dream shocked to see.

"What happened here..." He was about to run away but the door shut as he tried to unlock the door but it jammed.

"Hello, Dreamy~..." The little boy turn around to see Cross who was sitting on the couch. "Come here and we can talk about this." He said licking his teeth while moving his index finger to come Dream closer.

"No..." Dream whispered as he began to fist the door, screaming for help. "Help!! Help!! I'm trapped with the were– hmph!"

Cross covered his mouth as he pull him close toward his fluffy chest. "You're mine, Dreamy and no one will ever find you here in our new home~."


After a few days later, Nightmare was worry that Dream was gone for like 5 days and hadn't return home. He went outside to ask the villagers if they saw his brother but the answers are always no.

He went to Dream's friends house and saw the door open. "No... Dream!!" He cried as he open the door widely he saw Dream's cape was torn with blood cover it. "No... My poor baby Dream... I'm so sorry..."

The End


Yandere Nightmare X Fell

Nightmare was hugging Fell making him annoying about the king of nightmare. "Nightmare, that's enough stop it!" He pushed him away from him.

"Aw come on, Fell~ you know you love it~." Nightmare winked at him making Fell disgustingly at him.

"Nightmare, you know I'm already relationship with Sci, so please go with someone else." Fell said as he teleported away from Nightmare.

Nightmare chuckled at his future lover. "I'll make sure that won't happen~"


Fell banging the metal door begging Nightmare to let him out. "Nightmare! Let me the hell go!!" He screamed crying about what will he do to his lover.

In a torture room, Sci was bleeding so badly until a sharp tentacle stabbed on his chest as he turned into dust. Nightmare laughed darkly before heading out to check his Fell is he's alright.

Fell keep banging and banging as a door open to see Nightmare as he stood back in fear. "What did you do to Sci!?" He screamed at him asking him angrily.

"Oh, just teaching him a lesson of course!" He smirked as he cupping Fell's cheek before kissing him and there's nothing Fell can stop him.

The End


Aqilah: Sorry about the Short story of Nightfall but I hope you enjoy!

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