Till Death Reap Us Apart/ Re-Write Of Yandere Dreammare

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Yandere Reaper X Geno


Yandere Dream X Passive Nightmare


Request by fatal890 & jazellezcupziv

Aqilah: I'm sorry jazellezcupziv, I'll re-write for your actual request. Please don't be mad at me for not making it properly! (T^T)

Yandere Reaper X Geno

Geno ran in the woods as far as he can away from the killer. He keep pant and pant until he lose him. He had to. If he let himself capture by that b****** things will go very wrong and chaos.

He hide behind the bushes while covering his mouth so that he won't hear his breathe.

"Ge~no... where are you my love~." He heard Reaper who was chasing him this whole time. "Come out my dear, you can't hide away from me~."

Geno cannot let himself capture, the last time, he was almost capture by the bad Sanses but luckily Fresh saved him as well Error, they're brothers. They are supposed to be together.

But now, Reaper killed Fresh and Error in front of Geno, making him cried at his poor brothers. Reaper give him a bet.

"Let's play hide and seek, my love~. If you win, I bring your brothers back to life but if you lose..." He chuckled before he continued. "You'll belong to me and ONLY me."

Geno want to refused it but he wanted his brothers back as he agreed but soon he'll regret it after he had made.


Damned Reaper! Leave me alone! He growled in his mind while Reaper looked at his direction. Geno noticed him while slowly crawled away.

Reaper saw a little move as he toward to the bushes where Geno was hiding slowly. "Geno~ I know you are there, just give up already and be mine!!" He jumped over the bushes.

Geno saw him and tried to teleport away but Reaper caught him just in time before Geno did as he injected his lover on the neck as the poor little skeleton starting to dizzy.

The grim reaper lean Geno's head on his lap before cooed him down. "Sh~, it's time for you to go to sleep my love." Then Geno passed out by the injection.


Geno woke up from his slumber and realize he was in a room with a picture of himself. Reaper... He growled and was about to get up but he was tied up by a rope which was a attached to the bedpost.

He heard someone open the door and saw Reaper who was holding a collar. (At least not an electric collar.) Reaper smiled evilly at him as he walked toward him and laid next to him.

"Aw~, trying to escape my love?" He asked before chucking crazily while putting the collar on Geno's neck. "I don't think so~. You had lost the game. Now, You ARE mine!"

"No, I could never be yours, Reaper. Until death reap me apart!" Geno shouted at him while Reaper, just chuckled at him.

"That won't happen, my dear." He said before kissing him on his lover's lip then pulling out. "I'm the Grim reaper. I'll do anything for my love."

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