Chapter 32: The Great Christmas Mage

Start from the beginning

I couldn't have been more excited for the morning of Christmas, and my heart was aching with happiness. I had planned on making breakfast for my lovely human before opening the gifts that the great Christmas Mage brought us, until reminiscing with Owen about the festivities of the prior night lead me to the realisation that:

Owen had lied.

"I cannot believe you"! I growled venomously as I turned to storm up the stairs. I was furious  with him.

"Babe", he pleaded as he darted in front of me to stop me from storming off. "Don't. Come on, just talk to me". But I wasn't going to back down.

"MOVE", I said fiercely, the fire in my eyes warning him not to test me.

He shook his head, and I could see the uncertainty in his action. But it didn't dampen my fury in the slightest.

"Either you give me space, or I will give myself space", I gritted in warning.

He peered at me for a moment as if he were doubting my words. Before I knew what was happening, he—as fast as lightning—grabbed my right hand and swiftly pulled the enchanted chain from my finger. Within a second, I yelped and found myself freefalling only to land in Owens practiced hand a moment later.

I screamed infuriatedly as I wrestled in his grip, only to be deposited onto the counter. I quickly stumbled up to stand, aggressively adjusting my baggy sweater in utter austerity.

"HOW  DARE YOU"! I yelled up to the towering man that dared to take my chain. "GIVE IT BACK NOW", I shouted, holding out my hand.

"Not until we talk this out", he said calmly, his tone trying to appeal to me. I could feel his insecurity and regret as he undoubtably felt my rage.

I gritted my teeth and huffed before yelling again. "Give it back now before I go celestial on you"!

Shock crossed his features he shook his head again.  He stood firm, holding the chain in a fist  as he straightened his posture and crossed his arms in defiance.

"AWGH"! I screamed and stomped my foot. He knew I wouldn't do that, and he knew exactly what I would do; which is why he swiped the chain in the first place. And because it was winter, my window-escape was shut... And I was now too small to open it.

But the door is unlocked, I thought, glancing towards the door. I quickly looked up at Owen, who had already caught on. I conjured my wings and raced towards the door, but before I could pull it open even a crack, Owen had shut it and turned the lock.

"OWEN"! I screeched. I glared up at him to see him looking down at me with deeply apologetic but resolute eyes. "AWGH"! I grumbled loudly and shot up to the beam above the kitchen, desperate to create space between us.

"Come on Ri", he called from below.

"NO! How dare you take that chain from me Owen"! I yelled, looking down at him furiously. "IT IS NOT YOURS TO TAKE! AND TRAPPING ME IN HERE"? 

"Okay, you're not trapped. I just don't want you running off to the Grove and disappearing on me for weeks instead of talking to me".


"Yes, I would," he spoke firmly looking up at me. I knew by his tone that he was trying not to raise his voice as to not hurt my sensitive ears. "I'd know if you had suddenly became calmer, that you went to the Grove", He explained.

I took two quick harsh breaths before my temper took over completely, "Here! How about we trade", I shouted and started to pull the ring of engagement from my finger.

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