11 | Moving in

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Taehyung and Jimin were sharing some romantic moments....they were sure that they feel something for each other...something more than being friends. They were talking about making dinner together but suddenly got interrupted by the sound of the door bell.

"I'll see who at the door." Taehyung said.

"Alright, I'm going to make dinner." Jimin replied.

*The door bell kept ringing*

"Wait wait, I'm coming." Taehyung said in a irritated tone.

"Who tf came at this late night-" Taehyung opened the door but he froze when he saw the man infront of him was none other than Jeon Jungkook.

"Hi~" Jungkook greeted.

"What are you doing here, Kook? And didn't the guard asked anything about your identity? And what's with all these luggages?" Tae bombarded Jungkook with a lot of questions.

"Tae..stop. You are asking too many questions. Lemme answer one by one okay?" So...I told the guard I'm your brother in law...which is true. And secondly....I'm moving in here so prepare my room." Jungkook said and barged into the villa.

"Tae....who was at the door-" Jimin stopped talking when he saw his brother sitting on the couch.


"J-Jungkook?" Jimin's eyes widened in horror.

"Did you see a ghost or what? Don't panic. Mom and dad went out for a business trip and you know I'm afraid of living alone, so I thought I should go to my brother-in-law's place."

"I see. Okay...um..I'm making dinner. So what would you like to eat?"

"Anything edible. Btw which room should I use?"

Before Jimin could answer, Jungkook went upstairs and choose the room next to Vmin's.

"Perfect. I'll take this one." Jungkook said while smirking slightly.

Taehyung and Jimin nodded unaware of Jungkook's dark intentions.


The next day:-

Jungkook woke up and saw Jimin was serving breakfast to Tae. He went downstairs and sat beside Taehyung.

"Good morning, Tae. Good morning Jimin hyung." Jungkook greeted them cheerfully.

"Morning Kookie....you are in a good mood today. What happened?" Jimin asked serving Jungkook's breakfast.

"Nothing particularly. I'm just happy seeing you all lovey-dovey with Tae."

"Oh...." Jimin replied.

"Btw, hyungnim~" Jungkook said seductively making Taehyung flinch.

"What are you trying to do Jungkook?" Taehyung glared at him.

"Why? Are you hard down there?" Jungkook said smirking, eyes traveling down to Tae's clothed dick.

"Jungkook...pls stop. Jimin's here."

"So? When did Jimin hyung came between us?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well...Jimin is my husband. And you are like a third wheel now." Taehyung said those harsh words in the heat of the moment. He definitely didn't mean those at all.

Jungkook got really hurt by this. And without muttering any word....he went to his room.

Later, Taehyung dropped Jimin to the college and went to the office. Everyone bowed to him as usual. But Taehyung couldn't give his full concentration on his work. He has tons of files to check but he just couldn't concentratr...just because of Jungkook.

He decided to say sorry to him. He texted Jungkook countless no.of times but he got no replies. On the other hand, Jungkook saw those messages but decided to ignore them. He thought of making Taehyung guilty of his actions. He wanted to make Taehyung jealous so he thought of an idea.

He went to a bar all by himself to get laid. He was very needy. He needed Taehyung's touch but Taehyung is a loyal man it seems. He will never betray Jimin. So instead he thought he will being a man in the villa who will fuck him mercilessly infront of Taehyung. Jungkook smirked at his idea.

It was almost night when Taehyung came home but Jimin wasn't at home as he has already informed Taehyung that he will be at the college for a professor's farewell party.

Taehyung went upstairs but he stopped entering his room as he heard some moans from Jungkook's room. He thought Jungkook was jerking off but he was so wrong. He knocked at the door but he got no response instead he heard Jungkook's moans were getting louder and louder. But Taehyung noticed the moans were different....


"Fuck...ruin me daddy...ahhhhhh~" Jungkook moaned loudly.

Meanwhile Taehyung opened the door and saw Jungkook being fucked by a man. Taehyung clenched his jaw seeing this. He was fuming with anger.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" Taehyung growled as he held the man by his collar and threw him out of the house.

Jungkook was thinking it would be fun to do this prank but this took the wrong turn. He never thought this will turn into a fight. Jungkook was literally panicking as he saw Taehyung beating the shit out of that guy. He gulped and approached Taehyung.

"How dare you touch Jungkook. My Jungkook. You-" Taehyung kept punching that man to the extent that the man lost all his senses and fell on the ground.

"Tae, what are you doing??! Pls stop. We have to let him go now. Look what have to you done?! He's unconscious you fool." Jungkook was in the verge of crying...or so called fake crying.

"Are you crying because that man is unconscious? Can't you see I'm wounded too? That man punched me back too."

"Stop yelling Taehyung. Did you forget what you said in the morning? Plus why should I care about you? Jimin, your beloved husband is here to rake care of you. And now bcz of you I've to take my boyfriend to the hospital."

"B-boyfriend? What are you saying? Are you out of your mind Jungkook?"

"What why? You are living your happy married life right? So what's wrong in me finding happiness? I guess you are jealous that I'm happy and moving on from you...is that it? Well....I don't fucking care. I hate you for punching him. And yeah also fuck you!!!" Jungkook spat and left.

Jungkook went to the hospital with that man whom he called his boyfriend.

"Damn I guess I overreacted seeing you unconscious lol. Well, I guess you will be okay right? Btw here's your payment. Thank you for tonight. I'll give u an extra amount as you got beaten by him. So let's not meet again. Goodbye." Jungkook said and that man nodded.

Jungkook finally took his revenge.

And the fact Taehyung got angry seeing Jungkook with someone else and calling Jungkook his own definitely proves he's deeply in love with his ex-boyfriend.

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