09 | Family date pt.2

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"Jimin, I'm really sorry what I did in the

"It's ok. I understand. Rest assured I didn't mind." Jimin gave a smile to Tae.

"Btw, I think I should really hire some bodyguards judging from what happened earlier. I regret not listening to my dad. My dad did hire some bodyguards for us but I turned down the offer."

"I see. Btw, you look hot while driving."

"I know right. Jungkook says that too-" Taehyung stopped talking as he remembered Jungkook.

And Jimin noticed that. He knows, Tae still loves Jungkook.

"Oh-Tae, look we are already here." Jimin said making Taehyung pull out of this thoughts.

"Oh...haha...I didn't even knew when we reached your house. You go first, I'll come after parking the car." Taehyung said.

Jimin rings the doorbell and was welcomed by his parents wholeheartedly.

"Hi, mom, dad. I missed you so much." Jimin hugged them as he teared up.

"Aw, my Jiminie, don't cry. We are so happy to see you, my son. Btw, Where's Taehyung?" Mr. & Mrs. Jeon asked.

"Oh he went to park the car. He will be here soon."

"Alright, come inside."

"Mom, where's Jungkook?"

Mr. And Mrs. Jeon froze at that moment. They have been trying to search Jungkook but they couldn't find him. After all, Jungkook is their son...ofc it hurts not seeing him in the house even if he did some mistakes.

"Jiminie, he didn't came home since the day he left. We have been trying to search him but unfortunately we couldn't find him."

"What-but Jungkook met Tae-" Jimin's words were cut by Taehyung.

"Ah-hello, mom and dad." Taehyung bowed over at a 90° angle.

"Taehyung, welcome son. Please have a seat. Don't be shy, this is your house too."

Taehyung nervously looked around and Jimin understood he was searching for Jungkook, so he kept quiet. After a lot of chatting, the Jeons served the food to their son and son-in-law. They were eating peacefully, suddenly they heard someone ringed the door bell.

Jimin said he will open the door. He opened the door and saw someone whom he didn't expected to see.

It was none other than his younger brother Jeon Jungkook.

"Omg, hi hyunggggggg~ what are you doing here?" Jungkook hugged Jimin and then went towards Taehyung.
"Oh my look, who's here....my brother-in-law." Jungkook hugged Taehyung which made him flinch.

"What happened Tae....you don't like me calling you brother-in-law?" Jungkook innocently looked at Tae.

"Jungkook, where were you all these weeks. You haven't came home after the day you ran away from your wedding." The Jeons stated which made Taehyung more shocked.

He can't believe Jungkook lied to him so many times.

"Uh...mom, dad, I'm hungry. Can I have dinner too?! Ok, thanks. C'mon, Jimin hyung, Taehyung, let's eat." Jungkook started eating before the others, so that he could avoid those questions, asked by his parents.


"So, where were you all this time? First, you ran away from the wedding, making Jimin marry Taehyung. Second, you disappeared suddenly, making us tensed. And now, you showed up infront of Taehyung. What the hell do you want Kookie?" Mrs. Jeon asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Taehyung. I just want Taehyung. And I'm sorry for running away at the wedding day. I'm really sorry." Jungkook replied.

"Sorry won't make the things right like before. Do you know your Jimin hyung sacrificed his happiness for you, for us. Because of you, he married Taehyung. We are so happy to have a son like him."

"ARGH, MOM, PLS STOP!! WHAT'S THIS JIMIN, JIMIN AND JIMIN...HUH??! FOR GOD'S SAKE, HE IS AN ORPHAN MOM, A BEGGAR-" Jungkook's words were cut off when suddenly Mr. Jeon appeared and slapped Jungkook.

"D-dad..?!?! How could you-?!"

"How dare you say those words about your brother who took care of you when you were a kid. How can think so low...Jungkook??!" Mr. Jeon said getting enraged.

"Dad....y-you slapped me??!" Jungkook started to tear up.

"Yes, I did. I never raised a hand on you Jungkook. But now that I did, you must think what you have done!! I can't believe you are thinking so low of your brother, that brother who used to skip school to take care of you when we weren't home."

"Yeah, I'm thankful for that." Jungkook said sarcastically. "And, also note this point dad, I'm gonna make Taehyung marry me!! Not even Jimin hyung can come between us. Good night." Jungkook said and went to his room.

Jimin, who heard all this commotion, went towards Jungkook's room to make things clear.

*knock knock*

"Who tf is knocking?" Jungkook groaned.

"Jungkook, it's me Jimin. Don't worry I won't enter your room. I'll talk from here, standing outside the door. Just to make some things clear. First of all, you did a mistake by running away from the wedding, god knows where did you go that day. Secondly, Taehyung is my husband. So he is your brother-in-law. You would be living happily with him if you hadn't run away from wedding. And after all I had done for you, you still treat me like a shit. I thought it's ok. He is my little brother...maybe he is joking with me but no I was wrong. You called me a beggar. I'm not a fucking beggar. I have my own job. Lastly, I hope you will stay out of ny married life. I won't say I'm suffering because of you. Cuz you are my little brother. But remember, me & Taehyung did sacrificed our happiness and are trying to make this marriage work. Good night." Jimin said and left.

After saying goodbye to their parents, Jimin and Taehyung headed towards the car to go home.

The car ride was silent. But Jimin decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry about Jungkook today." Jimin apologized Taehyung just hummed.



"I want to say something. You know I still love Jungkook. I can't seem to hate him after he lied to me so much. My heart still beats for him. Damn, I must be stupid for still loving him lol. Anyways, the main thing is, I still want this marriage to work. Maybe because of you, I can forget Jungkook. So let's be friends first. Even though our first meeting was awkward haha."

"Yeah, I get it. I'll be your friend. I also want this marriage to work." Jimin said shyly.

"Hmm that's good. Btw isn't it cool that your first kiss was me and my first kiss was you." Taehyung grinned mischievously.

"What's so cool about it? I mean-nvm." Jimin blushed and looked away making Taehyung chuckle.

"You are so cute, Jimin hyung." Taehyung thought.


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