


James, Remus, and Peter answer. My answer comes a few seconds after theirs.

"A werewolf." I say not looking away from the sky.

The boys are dead silent for a second and there is a sudden tension in the air. I sit up and so do the other boys.

"Why a werewolf?" James asks.

I look at him weirdly and shrug, "Well they're still humans. I mean all of your answers are humans too, but I just didn't think of those. Werewolves are really misunderstood I think and I don't see why everyone thinks they are so bad."

All of the boys are silent.

I raise my eyebrows at them. "Do y'all have a problem with werewolves or something?"

All of them say no except for Remus, who says he doesn't care for them. James gives him a dirty look and smacks his arm. Remus just rolls his eyes.

I lay back down and close my eyes. I listen to the boys talk for awhile and I feel really calm.

"Shut up Prongs. You're going to wake her up."
I hear Sirius hiss.

At first I'm super confused but then I realize I fell asleep. I sit up to look at the boys, but I feel something move in my lap. When I look down there is a huge frog sitting on my legs. I scream and jump up.

I hurry and hide behind Remus because he is the person closest to me. All of the boys are laughing like my terror is hilarious. I am terrified of frogs and they think putting them on me is funny.

Sirius comes over and picks up the frog and I think he is going to take it away but he walks over to me and holds it close to my face. I grab the back of Rems sweater and bury my face in his back.

"Sirius I swear I'm going to beat you if you don't get that wretched thing away from me!" I yell at him.

Instead of going away he throws the frog at me. I feel it hit my arm and I press myself closer to Remus and scream. Sirius and the other boys all erupt into laughter. Remus pries my hands from his back and turns around and hugs me close to him. I can tell he is trying not to laugh but it's not working.

"Jerks." I huff before letting go of Remus and stomping back to the castle.

I head strait for our dorms and up to my bed.

"What's wrong?" Lily asks when I walk in.

"Oh Sirius thought it would be hilarious to throw a frog at me when he knows I'm terrified of them" I huff.

She laughs at me too and roll my eyes and crawl in my bed and throw the blankets over my head. I hear Lily walk out of the room and now I'm all alone.

I sigh and stay under the blankets. I'm freezing from being outside and the dorm is cold too which doesn't help. I'm honestly half asleep when the door opens again. I assume it's one of the girls but the footfalls don't sound right.


It's Remus. I decide to stay under the blankets to make him think I'm mad or upset. I feel him sit down at the foot of my bed.

"I'm really sorry we did that. It wasn't funny. It was really mean for us to scare you like that." He says quietly.

I flip the blankets away from my face and look over at him. "That was a very nice apology. You should use it when I'm actually upset."

Enough for You  Remus Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now