"Why? what is happening to be seen?" Jeongwoo Questions.

Dami once again turns to her desk and starts to chant her studies.

"I'll tell you what happened, the other girls has stated to see a spirit of a Girl roaming around our school, Some are also possessed by her" says Jihoon as Jeongwoo gets scared and tugs at Hyunsuk's shirt while Jihoon starts to laugh.

"Oh my god really Park Jihoon!" Yells Jeongwoo while Jihoon continued his laughter.

"Some of this are also true. . ." Says the cold guy also the topper of the class Yoon Jaehyuk Gaining the attention of Dami, Jihoon and Jeongwoo.

"Not only girls- the boys also have saw something, Even worse than this remember the boy named "Kang Joon" ?" Assumes Jaehyuk

"Kang Joon also stated to see something in the school bathroom which lead his life to Coma"

Jaehyuk's phrase makes them widen their eyes and taking glances at each other,

That's why Mayuka and Dongmin are Missing for some days. . .

"Oh and what about The gossips of 1980?" Asks Jeongwoo totally wanting to know the full history of the School.

"Before our school was established it was a graveyard here and our school was made upon this" says Jaehyuk while minding his own business.

"Woahh that means we are living on a graveyard?" Continues Jihoon while getting a loud slap from Jeongwoo.

"And what about most of the kids getting missing in 2019?" Dami asks encouragingly

"It's one of the unsolved mysteries of our school" replies Jaehyuk as he lies his head on the table urging to speak more about the school.

"Why our parents are letting us to study in this horrible school even after knowing this things?" Says Dami as she begins to Underline some phrases in her textbook.

While still memorizing Dami hears Yedam yelling and blaming at some boys which who he thinks has destroyed his demo song with a Horrid voice fading at the end. Without giving attention to it, Dami continues to memorize her Studies for today's examination.

Jaehyuk didn't noticed that The class president was here to make an announcement so Dami slowly tapped his back which made him to look around when he noticed that he was being tapped to listen the announcement, he didn't hesitated to give Dami a pleasuring smile.

Although Jaehyuk is cold, he still has a soft spot for Dami, yeahh everyone in school has a crush on Dami but Jaehyuk doesn't have a crush, it's a friendly ship to be seen. . .

"Our Homeroom Teacher will be absent for 15 days his condition isn't good enough to attend school so I'll be in charge of our class studies." Speaks the class President.

◈ ◉ ◊ ○ ◌

At the cafeteria Dami takes a seat beside Doyoung and he also didn't mind to have the school model sit beside him, When doyoung says "You were memorizing your studies at class again, right?"

"Yes" Dami replies with only a yes and continues her eating while doyoung chuckled.

"Why are you still coming to the school?" Asks Yedam out of nowhere.

"Why is there any problem? With me coming to the school? Plus I got no one at home my family are in Japan so. . ." States Dami curiously.

"Oh okay-" replies back Yedam.

𝓖𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓒𝓻𝓪𝔃𝔂 //Treasure's 13th Member// TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now