"I'm okay, Oliver..." Felicity tried to argue, but Oliver held up his hand.

"No, you're not. You can't walk. I'm going to see what's going on."

Oliver gave her a stern look, and she just simply nodded, letting him go get first aid so that he could patch her up.

"Oliver..." Felicity called, causing him to turn around.

"I... uh, I just wanted to say thank you..." She whispered.

"Yeah." Oliver nodded, as if saying "Of course I was going to save you and patch you up, silly."

"And, I'm sorry." She sighed as he was getting things together.

"For what?" He asked confused, walking towards her.

"I got myself into trouble again... And, you... killed him." Felicity said, as if in pain and disgusted with herself.

Oliver just looked at her, and opened his mouth to say something, but Felicity kept going.

"You killed again... and, I am sorry that I was the one to put you in a position where you had to make that kind of choice..." Felicity said, sad.

"Felicity..." Oliver sighed, reaching out and grabbing her hand.

"He had you, and he was going to hurt you," he said, pausing to look her straight in the eye, "there was no choice to make."

Felicity wanted to cry, but instead she just smiled at him, but it was the pained smile, the one that didn't show teeth. And he noticed that, and brought their held hands up to his mouth, and gently kissed her hand.

"You scared me." He whispered against her skin.

Felicity just blinked at him, letting stray tears slip down her face. He was never this open with her, not anymore. She was left speechless.

"I was so mad at you... I still am, Felicity... I could've lost you today." Oliver closed his eyes in pain, and he felt Felicity's hand slip out of his.

"I lost you for three years." She whispered, now mad.

"Felicity..." He said, opening his eyes, and she was just sitting there looking at him with incredulous eyes.

"No, you don't get to say that, Oliver. That scared feeling that you're feeling right now? Yeah, I woke up with that same feeling every morning for one thousand and ninety-five days." Felicity cried, blinking away her tears.

Oliver just looked at her with a pained expression. He didn't know what to say. Or do, for that matter. He backed away from her to give her space.

"I get that I did a rash thing today... But, so did you. I mean, Laurel... really? Did you even stop to think how that would make me feel?" She cried to him, looking at him with tears falling.

Oliver opened his mouth, but no sound came out. How was he supposed to respond to that? What was he supposed to say?

"I was getting advice--" Oliver started, but Felicity interrupted him.

"Advice? On what, Oliver? What could you possibly ask her that you couldn't ask me?" Felicity somewhat yelled at him.

"It was about you, Felicity! I wanted to know how I could be with you!" Oliver yelled back, exasperated, and tired of fighting with her.

Felicity didn't say a word to him, but she just looked away. She sniffled, and closed her eyes.

"God, Felicity... I, I didn't know that it would upset you..." Oliver said, causing Felicity to face him once again.

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