Steve was acting weird. Hafu could tell. He was always weird but this time more so than before. So she got him alone and questioned him about it. Steve tried to deflect but after Hafu refused to let him leave until he told her the truth he spilled the beans. He explained everything to her, not the specific details of the hook up, but his feelings and how he was worried that maybe Apollo doesn't feel the same way. Not to mention his fear of even coming out. She calmed him from his rant. She assured him it was okay and that things would work out. He had no choice but to believe her.

The next time they hooked up. It was in Vegas again. Hafu had given permission for Steve, Apollo, and 5up to stay at her house. Her and David would be gone for the night. Steve hadn't meant for it to happen but it did. He had put on his favorite pink shirt. He looked good in pink and he had on his black skinny jeans. He hadn't really thought Dumbdog would like how he dressed. He did. They had spent some time with the others before they left. Steve stayed close to Apollo. He leaned into the man and when they were sitting together on the couch he snuggled himself into him. Everyone knew from last time that Steve was a snuggly person. He wouldn't admit it aloud though. He would deny it every single time. He had his head laid on Apollo's shoulder as he had his legs draped over his lap. Apollo didn't seem to mind, in fact he had wrapped his arm around him. They talked with Dk, nothing in particular stuck with Steve. He was tired from the flight he had taken. He wasn't a huge fan of flying but he has done it a decent amount of times.

Steve and Apollo were sharing one of Hafu's spare rooms. Dk and 5up each were taking the other two. They had gone to their room, to go to sleep. Well, that was the plan. When they got into the room, Apollo had Steve pinned to the wall. If he had any doubts about Apollo liking him back they were gone. He stared the taller man in the eyes. Their faces were inches apart, he was breathless and nothing had really happened yet. He couldn't even form words to tell Apollo that he wanted it too. All he could do was lean forward and connect their lips. It was a passionate kiss, it made Steve more breathless than before. At some point they had moved to the bed. Steve couldn't get over the feeling of Apollo's lips on his. He just knew where it was going to go when he felt Apollo kissing his neck.

5up went to ask if Apollo and Steve needed anything. He didn't think to knock because there was no reason to. He opened the door where he was met with a horrifying sight for anyone let alone an asexual person. He was met with the sight of his friends fucking, not a sight he wanted to see. He left the room and made a mental note to always knock when Steve and Apollo were in a room alone. He went to his room and he called Hafu to cry about his scarred eyes. Hafu apologized for not warning him about the two.

The next morning Steve was in the kitchen making coffee when Dk came into the room. Steve muttered a quiet 'good morning' as his coffee finished brewing. He liked his coffee black as everyone knew, so he instantly brought it up for a sip. He hummed in content when Dk was staring at him. He was a little confused at what his older friend was staring at, so he lowered his coffee cup. He gave his friend a confused look about to start talking when his friend burst into laughter. It threw him off. Did he have something on his face? "What's so funny?"

"Steve, you had a good night last night huh?" Dk asked, well, teased.

"What? What does that even mean?" His tired mind didn't think about last night with Dumbdog.

"Steve," Dk got serious all of a sudden, "You have a hickey on your neck."

Steve froze, did he really? His face burned red and he couldn't form any words.

"You and Apollo must have had fun last night." He teased again.

"Why-why would it be Apollo?" He asked stupidly. He knew why. 5up is asexual and it wasn't Dk, not to mention he didn't leave the house last night. Dk told him just that too. So he retreated to the room where Apollo was and he sat on the bed beside the man who was just starting to wake up.

"Good morning, Steve."

"You left a hickey..."

"My bad." Steve could hear the smirk.

Their third hookup was when the boys came to stay with him in LA. Steve put on what he had last time. He made sure to spend the first two hours giving Apollo attention. But then he moved to Ellum. Everyone knew Ellum was a definite top. Koji depends on the day, so Steve picked the person Apollo would feel threatened by. He spends some time flirting with the brits, more flirting with Ellum than Koji. Apollo got annoyed and eventually said his name in a warning tone. Strike 1. They went to the beach. A beach Steve has gone to enough to know how to get around without falling. But he wanted to make Apollo jealous. So he misstepped on purpose, when he started to fall he felt an arm around his waist and Ellum's shout of surprise.

"You good man?" Ellum asked.

"Yea, thanks bud."

Apollo gave another warning of his name. He ignored it still. The third warning came when they were at home. They had eaten dinner and had some to drink, Steve was drunk while the others were tipsy. Apollo wasn't tipsy as the man didn't drink. Steve was leaning into Ellum giggling up a storm. He couldn't help the giggling. He was not fully there. His mind was a little fuzzy. He was sober enough to know he wanted Apollo but besides that he couldn't think straight. He could see the annoyance on his friend's face. He didn't care, he did but he didn't. He climbed onto Ellum's lap burying his face into his neck. He felt a little sick to his stomach. Maybe he had too much to drink. He really wasn't sure. He just felt bad all of a sudden and he seeked out the closest person for comfort. That happened to be Ellum. He heard a door slam shut. He winced a little. He stayed where he was for a few minutes. He finally peeled himself away. "I'm going to bed." He slurred his words. He went to his room and he found himself once again pinned to the door. He wasn't sober enough to see this as a bad idea. He gave in letting himself drown in the taste of Apollo's lips on his.

Koji and Ellum had fallen asleep before Steve was fully out of the room. The alcohol helped greatly. That was until it woke them up. They woke up the sounds of moaning. Scratch that, loud very strangely feminine moaning. Koji wasted no time in getting his sound canceling headphones on. He watched as Ellum covered his ears, laughing at the taller male. It was when the tears started to form in Ellum's eyes, an hour later that Koji gave him the headphones. Ellum was very grateful. Koji wasn't able to sleep for another half hour when the noise all stopped. The next morning, Steve came out of his room. He was walking funny. That was how Koji and Ellum knew 100% as if the moans of Apollo's name wasn't enough that Steve definitely was a bottom. It wasn't until Apollo came out that they made some jokes. That didn't end well. Steve was sobbing in his bedroom from the teasing. Eventually he calmed down. He went with Koji to go get Talia.

Talia watched as Steve walked a little weird into his apartment, it wasn't until he sat that she realized he had obviously hooked up with somebody. Of course she had to know who, so she asked. "Steve, who did you hook up with?"

The question shocked him for a moment. His face flushed in embarrassment and he his himself behind Apollo. Koji and Ellum started to laugh. They filled Talia in on what happened and she started to laugh but promised to say quiet about it. They streamed for a couple of hours, then they spent the rest of the day just chilling. Steve stayed curled against Apollo. Now all their friends knew there was no point in hiding it from them any longer.


A/N: No because this didn't take long to write. Be proud of me. 

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