Whatever It Takes

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Requested by Mystical_Reaper

Steve isn't eating healthy enough luckily for him DumbDog pays attention.

Disclaimer: I am in Counseling and Mental Health this year, we did research on Eating Disorders. I am able to write this on a more realistic note on a sense. I don't have a eating disorder so I won't pretend I know what their mind is saying, but I struggle with Body Dysmorphia. Understand that purging your food, throwing it up, is a symptom of Anorexia, so there will be purging in the story, it is part of the eating disorder warning. People are different, so their eating disorder is different conpared to others. It is like depression and anxiety. Also DumbDog lives in California.

WARNING: Eating Disorder (Anorexia Nervosa and Body Dysmorphia)


It was not something he wanted. It started slow and progressed into something more. He didn't even see the issue until DumbDog had pointed it out. It lead to where he was now. He wasn't sure how it ended up to where he was now. He wasn't sure how he started to eat less. How he started to stare at his body and found himself fat. He had to stop eating. He just had to. He had to work out more. Go on more hikes. How did he get to there? How did he get to where he is now? Sitting on DumbDog's lap as he streamed with the others.

He didn't tell anyone, nor did he do it openly. It was not something he could admit to. He didn't want them to worry. The secret was overwhelming, he stopped eating on stream. He couldn't afford the extra weight. He was too lazy. He even started to go out on longer hikes and started to work out.

He had to lose weight somehow. He spent as much time as he could working out. He wore a bunch of hoodies and he stole sweat pants from Cib. He didn't want people to see how fat he was. He wouldn't want them to see how lazy he was. So when he was sitting on his livestream, talking to his fans about food because they brought it up. He felt sick. He had to order food now. He ordered starbucks like he always did when he ordered food.

He ate the spinach wrap with no issues. Except his mind was going off. He had broken his rule. He was going to get fat. He made the excuse he had to pee. In the middle of a meeting. He ran to the bathroom and he sat beside the toilet. He hoped none of his roommates were awake or home. He slowly pushed his fingers into his mouth. He pushed on his gag reflex hard enough to make him throw up. He was getting rid of all the food he just ate. He would get fat if he didn't.

He went back to his stream after he finished like nothing happened.

But, something happened.

Dumbdog was getting worried about Steve. He had noticed something was different, off. His chat one day blew up with fans of Steve's saying he was acting weird and that he had been away from his stream for too long. It made no sense to him so he looked. Well enough, there was an empty chair until Steve came back a couple of minutes later. It was clear the man hadn't been eating enough. The only question was, for how long?

Dumbdog stared at the sight of him, he had bags under his eyes, his cheeks looked sunken in, and he knew the baggy clothes was hiding more. He started to go over it in his head. Steve was exercising more, he never stayed to play after among us. He had also been very tired recently. DumbDog wasn't stupid. He knew what this was. He needed to help before the man killed himself.

So he did what any friend would do, he called Steve after the stream ended and he confronted him. He told Steve that he was unhealthy and needed help. He spent so long arguing with Steve about it all, until he made the final decision. Steve had to come stay with him. Much to his surprise Steve agreed. What then added to Steve's reply was DumbDog's next sentence. "Pack some bags and bring Little Foot."

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