So far, Trinity figured that this was the best thing for her. Not only would she have fun with studying dance, but she would also be able to earn a major and get her to where she needed to be in order to run a business in the future pertaining to dance and teaching others about it.

She loved it. The school was huge and the people were kind. She had earlier met the dance instructors. The woman who led contemporary was a middle aged French woman by the name of Madame Louise.

She was kind for the most part but Trinity knew that when it came to dance she was nothing short of serious.

Trinity wouldn't mind an instructor like that. Someone who was strong willed and determined to get their students to where they needed to be in order for them to succeed.

"Okay, and this is the part of the tour where we allow for all tourist to catch a quick sitting and or restore on break." The tour guide clasps her hands together, looking around.

Everyone starts to split up. Either going to the restroom or to take a rest and sit on the benches or something.

"So," Trinity turned to her parents, looking hopeful. "What do you guys think so far?" She asked.

Mr.Kim stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking around.

"I love it princess. Tuition fees are a little high but it's nothing we can't handle." He said. Trinity nibbled on her bottom lip.

Tuition wasn't an issue because she knew she had the support. Plus she already knew hoseok would want to interfere and pay for literally any and everything that had something to do with Trinity.

Of course, her parents knew she was supported. Her father was a doctor and her mother was a teacher. A teacher's salary wasn't much but it wasn't like she had any unnecessary fee's to worry about.

Trinity had a job as well. It was fine. They were just acknowledging that the tuition was high.

"Mama?" Trinity looked over at her mother, expecting a similar answer.

"I...I agree with your father. I love it but the tuition is high. It's nothing we can't handle though. As long as you satisfied then we are."

Trinity smiled brightly, grateful to have such supportive parents. This was her dream. She wouldn't let anything get in the way or interrupt it.

"Okay. Can you hold my papers for me? I need to use the bathroom." Trinity said.

"Of course. We'll be sitting down." Mrs.Kim said, taking the papers from her daughter and looping her hand with her husband's as they walked towards the benches.

Trinity didn't have to pee or anything. She just wanted to take pictures and fix her hair to be honest. She hated using public restrooms unless she absolutely had to.

After she was done, she left the restrooms. Unexpectedly she bumped into someone on the way out.

"I'm sorry - oh Jesus you're strong." She laughed nervously, blinking as she looked up to who she had bumped into.

He smiled down at her. "I get that a lot." He said, smile never wavering. Trinity laughed.

"Here for the tour?" He asked. She nodded.

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now