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KARASHIMA !! " what are you doing here I'm sorry why are you here first I'm gonna go now." No I was just nearby and I saw you sitting here came to check up on you didn't see you in a while so she better leave your dorm anymore." Yeah I just needed some time because well you know.

" well anyway I should really get going. OK no stop sit down I know we broke up and we broke up it's not something that I would have preferred to break up but things happen I need time to but the way you're acting is not necessary we're still friends best friends I know that things can be the way they were before we started dating but the way you're acting is not you and I don't like it.

" what am I supposed to do I hurt you when I wasn't even considering your feelings I am sorry for that I really have and I know that you went through a lot too but it's just.

"just what Bakugo yes I love you I still love you because those feelings are not just going to go away it takes time but it doesn't mean that you have to put yourself down you have a life that you need to consider that you have to work before you want to be the pro hero you want do something with your life am I right.

" yes obviously. Then stop missing school stop trying to force yourself into other peoples feelings OK if anybody should be hurting right now it's me but look I'm still going to class every day Bakugo get over it." I'm saying this as your friend who loves you you need to find yourself if you love Deku that much what's stopping you from fighting for him I can see it in your eyes you love him you love him with everything you got just because he said he just wanna be your friend doesn't mean you have to be just friends now can you do me a favor and stop putting everybody else feelings before yours that's not you.

" I miss the real you does self absorbed bossy thank he's better than everybody else you I missed you ." I'm sorry." See that's the problem right there stop being sorry Bakugo it's not only you in this world you have friends you have family. Please let me help you. I want my best friend back. Are you ready to respond to that question I'll be in my dorm and there's no school tomorrow it was announced today in class that class was canceled tomorrow so you have the rest of the day and tomorrow to tell me. I'll see you later bye.

After Karashima had left 30 minutes ago Bakugo decided to go back to his dorm room when he got back to his dorm room he took a bath brush his teeth and went to bed for an hour and a half before he was woken up someone had texted him he didn't want to get up to see who it was so he just left his phone there and went back to sleep an hour went by and he said that somebody was calling him so he got and answer the phone." Hello it was Momo calling to check on Bakugo see if he was doing OK." Hello Bakugo this is Momo was just checking in to see if you was doing OK." Yeah I'm doing a lot better thanks for asking anyways I gotta go bye." Bye after that the blind went back to bed he woke up to get some water and go to the gym for a little work out it was 6 o'clock and usually Agnes time the gym was empty so he could go.

When he got to the gym he ran into cash you know who was packing up his stuff and getting ready to go to his dorm room they didn't say anything to each other just walked past each other like they didn't even see each other Bad girl sat down his stuff and started doing a couple of warm-ups before he started to work out I guess you will love he was in the gym for about 30 minutes until someone came and joined him. He looked at who it was that immediately got ignored. Oh my god can you go somewhere else taser face. That's not my name and no I can't go anywhere else because the other gym is closed I see you haven't changed a bit." So how things going with you and Keirashema I know you two broke up but just wondering.

"Things are fine now don't ask me about it again. "OK I have to be so rude about it. An hour went by and the blonde haired finish his work out and starting to pack up. When he left the gym he went to his room and change into some clean clothes. He does that he was going to take a shower tomorrow since he was a little bit too tired from the intense workout. He brushed his teeth before he went to bed the next day deadline started back to get back on his schedule since the talk gave him a little bit of encouragement thanks to Karashima he felt a bit better. Everyone was excited to see that Bakugo was feeling better and finally coming out his dorm he started talking to his classmates again and started acting a bit normal.

He was talking to Mineta when he noticed he left his phone in his dorm room he decided to go get it. When he got his phone he saw that he had got a text from Karashima. The text read I'm proud of you. Seeing the text back or smiled and decided to go over to Karashima dorm room. Karashima was finishing up on some homework when he heard a knock at the door he went to go open the door and saw Bakugo." Hi." Hey Can I come in." Yeah sure. What's up." I'm not good with these type of things so I just want to say thank you for for helping me say that I don't have to put everyone's problems before mine so I'm really grateful and I totally get if you don't want to be my friend anymore but I'm asking would you still be my best friend." Yes obviously I would never stop being your best friend OK will be best friends forever like you will never get rid of me. The blonde laughed." Thank you." Now." What's up. Bakugo asked." How is things going with you when you know."I guess they're OK with each other we wave hi I normally catch him staring at me but I guess things are fine back to way They were before we started dating. I think it's for the best." No no no no no no if you love him you love him and make him see that you love him And I can see in his eyes that he loves you too you guys are made for each other OK be with each other.

" i'll think about it.

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