Bakugo axis Karashima out

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Hours later when everyone wakes up. Everyone was in the cafeteria room waiting to get their lunch usually when they get their lunch they usually go back to their dorm room but this time a couple people stayed at the lunch room. Those people were Kirishima Bakugo Todoroki Mineta and Momo my Nana was only there because of Momo.

" hey Cara Shima come here for sec. back door screen from across the room." I'm coming give me a sec. Karashima walks over to Bakugo." What's up bro." Follow me please. Bakugo said to Karashima." OK. Bakugo white cash in Matilda and of the cafeteria room." Give me a week to think about it." Yeah why what about it." I still need a week but would you like to go on a date with me."Wait really." Yeah but it's just to see if I have feelings for you I am still confused."Yeah Of course I want to have a date with you.

" do you know where we're going." I have no idea I thought you they decide what we were going. Bakugo come back over here. Mobile screen from across the room." Don't rush me stupid extra." I'll come to your dorm room at five be ready or something cute.

Bakugo went that Karashima before he walked away. After 30 minutes everyone had already left the lunch room Everybody I went back to the dorm rooms Momo leaving first then Manetta and then everyone followed. That will go with the last one to leave the bottle was in his dorm room watching TV watching the time go by at 4:30 he decided to change it so some clothes and take a small shower. OK finish it was already about time to go to Cara same as normal it was 4:59 that was also the time Bakugo left his dorm room to go to Cara Shima's dorm room.
How about you plan on anything too fancy he just put on a black shirt black pants and black shoes

Yes and also get ready at 4:30 he didn't put on anything too fancy as well basically the same thing he put on last time but a little bit more different. This time he put on a button a red shirt black pants and red shoes he even styled his hair a little bit.

Knock knock. crimson here team goes to open the door." Then I say wear something cute not basic." Was the only thing I had so be grateful.

" whatever you still look so good did you change your hairstyle." Do you notice that I just moved it to the right a little bit." How can I not know is it I'm around you every day it looks good though." Thank you Bakugo." Have you decided where we're going Karashema." Yeah I was thinking we could go bowling.

" don't tell anybody this but I am terrible at bowling so if you want me to lose then yes we can go but if you don't then no we can't go." That's perfect we can go." You're mean and people say I'm The main one clearly they haven't met you.

" whatever let me just grab a jacket then we can go what are you driving again." What the hell how is that fair." Man in the relationship." Touché man touché fine I'll drive again." Yeah you better." What the fuck did you just say." I didn't say nothing you're listening way too hard for my taste.

" whatever let's go Dumb Ass. It took Karashema and Bakugo 30 minutes to get to the bowling alley. It was kind of far so that's why. 20 minutes before they got there Karashema call to schedule an appointment so when they got there or they had to do was check and get their boys shoes and start bowling. So when I got there they both got out the car and started walking to the bowling alley they open the door went to the cashier and checked and the cashier didn't ask for their size of shoes and gave them their shoes they told them what number they were and in the chain started walking to the number the number is five. They got to their bowling spot there was a menu Karashima ordered The food and Bakugo set up everything for them. "I finish setting everything up." OK I'm almost finished ordering I just got to yes and I'm down there and finish. Karashima said as he finished ordering the food." So which one of us is going first.

Karashima said to Bakugo." Ladies first." There is no girls here oh wait where are you referring to me." No I was talking to myself dipshit." I am a man not a girl." Oh really I didn't notice. Bakugo says sarcastically." Just go first." Fine no rush me. Karashima picked up a medium size ball and and roll The bowling ball into the pants.* there's no way he's gonna... Bakugo thought to himself but it was cut off by the sound of Karashima getting a scribe." Oh there's no fucking way there's no way you could be me that was just a lucky shot."Ha sure you The one who said he was Bad bowling." I didn't mean it I just didn't want you to feel bad I'm good at everything I do you should know that by now." I totally believe you got Katsuki anyways it's your turn good luck." The bar also grabbed a medium sized bar and swung his arm to hit the pens. I only knocked out 6 and I was 12 pants pins." Oh looks like somebody's gonna get a spare." Shut up. About to go grab another bar and swung his want to hit the pins but he messed." I guess not we should get a six point ." Shut up I was just going easy on you. They continue playing for one hour and 30 minutes Karashima won by 55 to 31." I know you sad but I didn't know you suck that bad." I will you next time you just got lucky this time.

" and your dream is Bakugo like you could ever beat me." I will one day." Come on let's go to the car. Getting go to the car and it took them 30 minutes to get back to you way." Hey it's still early do you want to go to the pool." Sure if you're up for it. Bakugo responded. I just got to go pack my swimming clothes I'll meet you back here. It took both of the teens 20 minutes to pack their swimming clothes they both walk to the pool answer swimming shorts. I put his hair in a ponytail and care Shema had a little swimming goggles. When I got to the pool Karashima put on his swimming goggles." Bro do you really have swimming goggles." Yes I think It makes me look super manly.

" whatever you say bro whatever you say." What is there something wrong with it." No it's just it's a weird." I was it weird" no like it where those." And I'm still a kid." How old are you again. "16 And how old are you exactly." I'm 17 and you shouldn't know that I'm one year older than you." Oh yeah I forgot about that." I want to wear them. Bakugo said while snatching him off Of Kirishima's head." What you said you didn't want to wear them you said they were too childish." I changed my mind. "No fair you know you're a mean person right." Yeah you shouldn't have a problem with it since you like me.

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