Beach date

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The next day
The blonde woke up really early since the two things then ask us what time they will be going or where they will be going for the most part. The plan got ready for the day he brush his teeth took a little shower and put on a black T-shirt with black pants. I didn't take the blind a long time to get ready so when he finish he had it over to  Karashema's dorm room to find out what time they will be leaving and where would they be going.

Karashima woke up early as well when he got up he brushed his teeth take a little shower and put on a red shirt and blue jeans and a black pair of shoes. He also packed a pair of swimming pants because they were going to the Beach.He forgot to tell Bakugo but it was fine because he was going to call him anyway. Knock knock Karashema go to open the door ." So what time are we leaving and where we're going." So I don't get a higher hello." No I'm going to spend the whole day with you anyway." I'm going to the beach and we're leaving now." The beach no no no no no no I am not getting wet." Yes you are so go pack some swimming Close I'll give you 10 minutes. No you can't just... Bakugo was cut off by the door slamming in his face.

" what the hell Karashima." Hurry up Bakugo you only have 10 minutes." Fine. they both screamed from inside of the door. Bakugo walks back to his dorm room in packs a pair of blue swimming shorts. He also got a bottle of sunscreen because he didn't want to get sunburned. 10 minutes later Bakugo here's a knock at his door he goes to open it and standing at the door was Karashima.

" are you ready to go." Yeah" Great do you know how to drive." Yeah but I don't have a car." You can use mine." You have a car." Yeah." 0 You can drive." Yeah." So why did you ask me do I know how to drive." Because I don't want to drive and you're going to." Hell no I don't wanna drive you're driving." Oh so I guess if we end up dating I'm gonna be the man relationship." What the hell no if we do start dating I'm going to be in a mini relationship plus you're a bottom." How to fuck do you know Bakugo." I can just tell him I wrong." Well no.

Hearing Karashima say he's a bottom made the blonde feel tingly inside.* The hell what is this feeling." Let's go wait we still haven't decided Who is driving me or you." I'll drive Dumb Ass. "Excuse me did you say something Bakugo. No I said I was gonna drive.

They started to walk to the UA exit on the way I'll do you ran into a green haired boy." Where are you to going." Kirishima ask me on a date I guess I'm going with him." Oh so you guys like each other." No Karashima likes me but I don't like him but he actually on a date because if I don't like him by the end of the day he was going to give up."See you later Midoriya bro" y..yeah see you later have fun. As both of the teens started to walk away the green teen smiles slowly turn into a frown.

"Here my car is over here." Ha there's no way that's not your car." That is my car why don't you believe me again." I thought she was broke." Oh my god are you serious Bakugo I was broke how do you think I would've for the tuition at the school." Fairpoint.

Both of the things get inside the car Karashima and a passenger seat Bakugo and the driver seat. When they got to the beach they put on their swimming outfits.

" can we swim please." You can I won't." The date is two people having fun and getting to know each other better and you sitting around on the sand is not getting to know me better or me not getting to know you better.

That doesn't make sense I don't wanna to go inside of the ocean."It's not Ocean it's up do you know what whatever will you please just come with me.

" no." OK I didn't wanna have to do this but. Karashima grandma google Santa started running to the water bottle and tried to pull his weight away but he was unsuccessful when I reach the water the water was cold but Cara Shima was kind of used to it since he basically went to the pool every other day." My god this water is cold Karashima." I know but I don't feel it I go to the beach every other day so I'm basically used to it." You're a crazy person and you're an asshole." It's fine you'll get used to it it's going to get warmer as you stay in it." I'm not staying in the water I'm leaving. Tries to walk out of the water by Karashima grabs his hand and pulls him back in but this time taking him farther inside of the water. now a water was up to half of their bodies.

" you're in... Bakugo was cut off when he looked up he saw Ciara she was smiling and slightly blushing that my back will feel a little bit." Are you OK you're looking at me funny."Fine" hey I see you're not shivering anymore I don't want to get warm for you." Oh yeah it's not that cold anymore." That's good now you stay in here with me I don't want to be in there alone that will be no foreign.

" do you know how you say you're super manly." Yeah." You're not you're a Simp." A Simp how am I a Simp." I can't tell you that were just defeat the purpose." I hate you. Karashima said while splashing back go with a little bit of water. Oh my god did you just flash you're gonna pay for that.Bakugo moved his hand fastly over the water to splash Hiroshima back with water. They both started to laugh." OK OK truth. Karashima said while wiping his face free of water.

At that moment Bakugo felt a little bit off he was feeling like this for most of the day he didn't know what was going on The blonde felt like this for most of the day he felt really tingly but it was something about this moment that made him want I want to scream."Bro are you are you OK you keep looking at me funny." I'm Phinne get out the water." Me too.Both of the teams head to the shore of the water when they reach the shore day started walking back to their little umbrella when they got to the cash he Mele down a little towel to lay down on wow Bakugo just sat down.

" so Bakugo did I see that making you like me." I don't know maybe. She must shut up quickly and said. "Wait that was a no that means you're really my boyfriend." Boyfriend since win was that a part of the deal." That was basically the whole point of going on a date with me so will you be my boyfriend." I don't know Karashema I just need a little bit of time to think about it because I can't give you an answer right now so can you just give me awake." Sure I'm not trying to rush you. They waited at the beach until the sun started to set after that they left and went back to the UA. Bakugo walked care Shema back to his dorm room and Bakugo walked back to his dorm room by himself. Karashima offered to walk Bakugo back to his dorm room but Bakugo wouldn't let him. Made it back to his dorm he changed into some fresh clothes and went to the gym for a small workout.

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