My teams term part three Final part

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Deku Todoroki and Bakugo started to run the opposite direction that all night was in they had no idea were Mr. Aizawa so they had to keep an eye out.

Todoroki and Bakugo were still shocked of what came out of the green haired boys mouth. Deku have never gotten that mad or never even dare to cuss.

That me Bakugo kind of turned on. Wow Todoroki was kind of shocked and weirded out. Todoroki did not like that you in that way Todoroki thought of that too as just a friend.

So that tall haven't even crossed his mind.
But something called Todoroki's attention because by the way Bakugo was looking at that Deku. Todoroki thought there was something going on between them to.

Todoroki was thinking to himself when he heard a loud crash coming from behind them again this time it was Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa instead of erasing deck with "he raced Bakugo's* Todoroki he did anyways my quirktry to try to trap him to the ground wide corner him from behind I will try to keep him on the floor. Deku sad to Todoroki.*I don't know if you can do that Midoriya* why Todoroki. Alma is behind Mr. Aizawa*

Mr. Aizawa and all my new deck will try to counter Mr. Aizawa by behind if he erase Bakugo's quirk.

Before Deku Grill think of another plan Mr. Aizawa had already ran away wet back though he was heading towards the sale.

* Todoroki follow Mr. Aizawa make sure he don't put back go inside the sale.

Todoroki started following Mr. Aizawa leaving Deku and on my alone.
Immediately devil started using black whip to grab things off of the floor like metal pieces and Little Rock's.

Deku no he couldn't counter oh my so he needed to work on the fence.
Since that was an over thinker he start to overthink things leaving him defenseless. He didn't notice all my running up to him and jumping to get behind him.

However when he didn't notice he was too late am I was already behind him and all my kicked him in the sending him flying.

However deco stopped himself by flipping in landing on a piece of construction.
* what should I do what should I do what should I do if I don't attack now he could catch me and put me in the Sael. No no no no no stop thinking in focus. The green hear the team thought to himself while shaking his head and slapping his cheeks.

He needed to hurry up and capture all might so he can go help Todoroki with Mr. Aizawa. But he didn't know what to do. All of a sudden that goes there I started moving out of nowhere he ran up to oh my and started to punch kick and move around him. He thought if he could just move around and kick out of nowhere and punch he could at least wear all my out.

However all my saw what he was trying to do in trapped him in between his arms Deku tried to release himself but all might was too strong.
Am I jumped into the air he started parading himself in the air trying to get to the sale still holding on to Deku.* fuck I need to get out of this. Deku thought to himself. That goes started to twitch intern until he started to slip out of all Might hands.

But before he slept all the way out Walmart had already made it to the sale all might try to put The green hair to team inside of the cell by Deku had already pushed out of his hands before then.
He looked around and he couldn't see Mr. Aizawa or Todoroki or Bakugo. He thought they must didn't have made it here yet.

Which was good. But what he didn't know was Bakugo was standing right beside him.*hey nerd * Bakugo where did you come from.

*hey nerd * Bakugo where did you come from

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