Bakugo figures it out.

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"Fine I was planning on telling me tomorrow but someone has to be so pushing can you sit down on the bed please." Karashima is this so serious that I have to sit on the bed." Serious to me and if you want me to tell you you have to sit on the bed." Fine but it is not serious I'm gonna punch you in your face." Do you remember when I actually did you like..." yes I remember that you don't even have to finish it i'm still pissed off at you for that." Well that's not what I really wanted to ask you I wanted to ask you a totally different question but I freaked out I ask you that one instead.

" OK what was the question you wanted to ask me." Do you spec me to just come out and say it like that do you have no heart." You try to dodge the question again I can see how nervous you look by your face i've been around you enough to know how you look when you're nervous." You don't know that besides I'm not trying to dodge the question." fine if you're not trying to dodge the question didn't tell me what you wanted to tell me that day at the park.

" OK you promise not to laugh at me." I don't promise nothing." Then I can't tell you Bakugo I'm really sensitive about my feelings." Fine it is that important to you I promise that I won't laugh at you. Karashima glared at Baccarat before getting back to what he was saying. " so would you like a cup of tea." Karashima I'm gonna beat your ass." I am fine all right she's so pushy.

" so I actually to the park that day because I wanted to ask you would you..... knock knock The Crimson hair teen that cut off by A knock at the door." I'm going to go see who's at the door. Karashima got up to go see who was at the door." Hi Karashema hi Bakugo." How did you know I was in here nerd." I heard you screaming from across the hall." Or you can come in." Thank you Karashema." So what brings you here." Kaminari knocked on my door and said you needed me for something I can probably guess what that is but I'm not quite sure. He looked at Bakugo." Are you looking at me nerd." Whatever so what did you need me for so I can prove myself right.

" I need you to help me get back go out of my room." Ha I knew it." What the hell did I do I just came here to annoy you and now you planned something against me." Sorry Bakugo." I got it." Got what . Karashema asked the blind.

"I'm normally not the pushy type but Karashima I'm gonna ask you a question and can you be honest with me." That depends what type of question is it." it's a personal question." Oh then I probably can't be honest with you." We'll see about that." What's the question." Do you like someone don't you.

Karashima started to blush" oh you do you like someone

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Karashima started to blush" oh you do you like someone." What are you dead idea." By the way you're blushing." What me blushing that's not very manly I would never. Hiroshima tried to play it off but it was obvious he was getting A little bit flustered." Oh yeah so you don't like no one shitty hair why don't you just give it up and tell the truth." I am you call me I like someone cheese." Who is it shitty hair." I'm none of your business that right there can I tell you that is private information for me and for me only.

" so we're not friends we can tell each other everything." Hey Since when do you have friends besides me." Be quiet nerd nobody asked you oh and we're not friends we're Frenemies." I thought that even mean." Means we're half friends have enemies Frenemies Now would you shut up nerd back to you shitty hair so who's your crush." Fine do you really wanna know." Wait let me guess first." is it Kaminari." No" is it Half and half." No in his name is Todoroki." Whatever is it Deku." No." What is it me😏." That was quick it only took you three guesses. Yeah she was at least surprised." Wait seriously I'm correct I was just joking.

The blonde started to blush meanwhileThe green heard it he was just looking at both of the teams and confusion wait so he wasn't the only one who liked it

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The blonde started to blush meanwhile
The green heard it he was just looking at both of the teams and confusion wait so he wasn't the only one who liked it. This made a green anything think about his feeling a little bit more then usual. Even though he just found out that he liked it the blonde it still hurt him a little. Soon as Karashima sad Bakugo was the one that he had a crush on the green haired teens heart dropped.

"I should leave you two alone I'll see you guys later. You left the room disappointed and sad." He was happy for them too but still it hurt a lot. When the gravity made it back to his room he kicked off his shoes jumped on his bed and started thinking.* What should I do I like incense them to hang around each other a lot is most likely that they're going to get together and basically just a Side piece that's funny maybe I should just give up on Bakugo. The team decided he was going to give up on Bakugo he sat in his bed for almost 30 minutes thinking about it.

Bakugo and Keirashema were still in the room talking."so when you copy out that day he wanted to tell me you liked me." Yeah but I started to panic so ask you a different question" why are you scared to tell me." Yeah cause I thought you were a freak out this is a unexpected reaction that you give me right now you usually be going crazy and call me stupid and asshole.

"I don't think you're an asshole surprise. Margot was so confused because he didn't like your Shema he didn't wanna hurt his feelings by saying he doesn't like him and that way but he had to tell him he had to tell her he likes someone else. But the stupid cans in here the team ruined it by saying." Back to what you wanna do with me.

" what the fuck where I come from why." Tower we have to explain myself I told you because I like to do now will you please go on a date with me just give me a chance if you don't want to be with me then I'll learn how to go." Do you know what fine. Bakugo only agreed because he didn't wanna hurt the other teams feelings even though he still have feelings for the green hair to teen." But when I go on a date with you you promise not to be so clingy." That's not fair that's how a date works." Yeah but you're not fine.

" anyways I gotta go I have stuff to do today well I have stuff to do today probably missed it it's fine I'll just sit in my dorm room and watch TV i'll see you tomorrow." see you tomorrow Bakugo. The girls in here to stay with a slight blush on his face.

It was noticeable but not that noticeable you got to be really paying attention to notice it Bubba can go with already walking out so he couldn't notice.

The blonde started walking to his room on the to his room he started talking to himself not loud but from a far you can kind of hear it but if you were standing really close to him you were here pretty good.*Why would I agree to go on a date I don't even like Karashima I mean like he's a good friend. Bakugo stop to think about what just came out of his mouth. He basically just put Karashima in the friend zone.

That made him kind of laugh. Going love to see calcium and pain he didn't want to hurt his feelings which was kind of scary coming from Bakugo. I made it to his room and shut his door and flopped on the bed he was tired he didn't take long for him to fall asleep but when he did he was sleeping like a baby.

Frenemies to loversDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora