Karashema has a crush

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Karashima was in his room thanking about Bakugo and Midoriya. The reason why Karashima was trying to get Bakugo and The green headed team together was because he was trying to leave behind his own feelings.

For Bakugo and he favorite best way to do it was to get Bakugo with midoriya. Bakugo and Keirashema We're best friends but Bakugo did not notice that Karashima had developed a little crush on him.

Karashima was making it fairly obvious so he didn't know why Bakugo didn't notice Every time when they went out for some reason Karashima would stare at Bakugo and back go with catch him staring but I will go to say anything about it. Sometimes Karashima would likely flirt and Bakugo still didn't notice.

So when can I see my starting to figure out back will like it Deku. He didn't know how to Feel or act. Which led into helping Bakugo get with the green haired to team.

Also when he asked Bakugo to meet him at the park that day he wasn't planning on axing Bakugo did he like Midoriya he was planning to ask him out but he started to freak out so he asked them different question.

Karashima new Bakugo never going to Tell any one day he liked it the green here at team but Karashima just knew that The blonde like to someone else. Even though it was hard for Karashima to wrap his head around it since Karashima liked it back go for about two years that they know each other he still try to get The blonde and her green hair to team together.

No one knew that Karashima liked because Keira Shema Atlee knew how to control his feelings in front of others if he didn't I wouldn't be manly. As he may say Karashima was way better then back to go at hiding his emotions but the thing is he knew Bakugo liked it Midoriya but did Midoriya like the blonde.

Karashima just assume that the green haired it he didn't like the blonde because Karashima wasn't even sure that the greenhead teen knew that Bakugo liked it him.

Even if the green hair the team didn't know that Bakugo like to him Karashima highly doubt it that they were even get together because they are two different types of people at least that's what he thought. * should I ask Bakugo to go on a date with me no I shouldn't he's going to reject me but then again I am his best friend so he probably won't know he's definitely going to reject me.

Karashima thought to himself before deciding he was going to try to ask back to go on a date again since the last time he tried he didn't successfully do it.

Karashima didn't want to seem too desperate since he already talk to Buck go today he was going to do it tomorrow. Karashima and Bakugo was really comfortable around each other so get a shaman knew that if he was going to ask Buckwalter day before Karashima would even say anything Bakugo word no somethings up.

So that's why Karashima decided on axing back or out tomorrow. I can I had to tell someone that he had a crush on Buffalo and his only best friend besides black girl was Kaminari. Karashima and come and I was also best friends and like Bakugo Bakugo could only have one friend he was fine. Plus Papa got in it like making Friend Karashima was just there to entertain him and goes words. Yeah she thought about telling Caminar that he had a crush on Bakugo even though Kaminari I already had a little feeling that he did anyway

So Karashima asked Kaminari to come to his dorm so he could tell him something. Knock knock Karashima walk to the door to open the door for Kaminari.

"hi Keirashema what's up did you need me for something." I need to tell you Santa can you come in please." sure. Kaminari sat on the bed waiting for Karashima to talk to him." so what did you want to talk to me about." well can I trust you." yeah you're scaring me what's up."OK heroes do you remember when you asked me do I like someone anyway." yeah oh my God do you like someone and I got who Tammy who is it a girl is it a boy we want to be a boy wait is it a boy😏." yes it's a boy." oh my God who is it." it's.... it's Bakugo."😧 what the fuck did you say Bakugo." yes." as in like Koski Bakugo." that's what I said." oh I fucking knew it.

" oh my God you knew when you didn't tell me you knew I thought we were friends."we are friends I just didn't wanna embarrass you."yeah I totally believe you Kaminari. "Whatever anyways did you tell him yet." No but I was planning on telling him tomorrow I was going to ask him will he go on a date with me but I'm still second-guessing it." You should totally do it how I was with your feelings get out there.

" yeah but I also think that Bakugo likes
Midoriya." Oh yeah I heard rumors about that." Yes so that's kind of throwing me off." Bro why does it matter what if he likes you," I highly doubt that Kaminari." Karashima you're making it sound like it's impossible if you keep thinking that way you probably never get to date him don't you wanna date him.

" yeah I want to do the messages I don't know if I wanna date him." So basically what you're telling me if you want to date him and you don't want to be in that same time. No yeah well it's something like that but you know I'm just confused all right I can think about is how you spell gonna ask him out I'm just checking out again.

" again so you I already tried to ask him out before." Yeah" what did you say we tried adding all that time." No I tried to ask for me to go on a date with me but I end up asking him to he likes Deku." Oh my god what did he say." No." Well then you have your answer if Bakugo doesn't like Deku can you can do it.

Knock knock" i'm gonna go see who's at the door.Karashima got up to to see who was at the door. Karashima scene  who was at the door he quickly shut the door and and his face. "what the hell the hell did you just say I don't know fucking face the fuck is wrong with your shitty hair." Oh I'm sorry Bakugo. Karashima said while signing to Kaminari to help him." What am I supposed to do. Kaminari whispers to Karashima." You idiots do know I can hear you whispering." Oh sorry I was just trying to do something." Oh am I distracting you guys I'm sorry do I look like I fucking care just open the fucking door The hell is wrong with you.

Karashima open the door for the blonde haired teen" i'm gonna go OK sure it was nice talking to you. And Karashima head out he slightly Signed to Karashema to tell him." I can see you guys what do you want to tell me Karashima.

" Buy lovebirds." What the fuck did you just say Kaminari. Before Bakugo got a chance to blow up his face come in I had already left the room." So what's up Bakugo." Well I was planning on ignoring you for the rest of The day for what you did the other day but then I thought Of annoying you for the rest of the day by messing with you but then you start lying to us so what did you want to tell me.

" so do you want some tea." Don't try to dodge the question." How about water." Karashema if you don't answer my fucking question I'm gonna beat your ass.

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