Deku realizes his feelings

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The green hair to teen woke up around 630 to get ready to go back to class this class was only an hour and 30 minutes long so when class
finally ended he went back to his dorm and Lyly a o Ass  went back to slse da for another hour he woke up around 730 and took a shower and went to the gym to work out for a little bit.

But the green hair routine wasn't the only one who wanted to work out for a little bit the blonde was also at the gym working out.

That was no surprise for the green headed to him because he usually always Bakugo at the gym but this time he was by his self he usually Wideawake Karashima.
So that took him by surprise. Bakugo didn't like being messed with why he was in the gym working out so the green here to take it to himself but he couldn't help but looking at the Google because he was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants in the tank top was kind of a little bit tight so he couldn't help but stare at his six pack, muscles in the scars on his body.

 Bakugo didn't like being messed with why he was in the gym working out so the green here to take it to himself but he couldn't help but looking at the Google because he was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants in the tank top was kind of a lit...

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The blonde didn't know that the green hair the teen head came in the gym to work out so the green hair teenspotted him a couple minutes after The Green headed teen had started working out.

But we did notice he didn't say anything because he didn't want to get distracted from what he was doing.

* oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god why am I freaking out why am I looking about the wait am I blushing can you tell her she's looking at me this cannot be real. Green hair the team started talking to himself the blonde look at The green here to team because he noticed he was talking to himself he couldn't quite hear what he was saying but he knew he The green haired teen was talking self because he heard her mumbling. " you'll be quiet nerd with distracting me." Oh I'm sorry wait how long does she know I was here" when you started to talk to yourself.

I was starting to work out again and that you started to talk to his self but this time not out loud. That scene was feeling a bit nervous for some reason.

Until it came to him *Do I like Bakugo no that's crazy well I like my childhood bully. The green here to Tinta to himself before realizing he does have a crush on Bakugo.*Oh my God I have a crash on Bakugo but it makes sense every time I see him I go crazy and start overthinking talking to myself and I start getting flustered and I start to blush.

The green haired teen started to overthink his feelings for Bakugo he started to think to himself a weird question he started to wonder.* does Bakugo like me back no that's crazy he does what am I thinking.The green audit team just shrugs it off.

Not even paying attention to the thought that just popped into his head.

The team begins to continue working out at the road as well he came to the gym for he was still a bit nervous because he just found out he like Bakugo and he was in the same room Bakugo with only made it even worse.

Meanwhile Windecker was in a hot mess the blonde was also trying to stop himself from brushing but it wasn't working that well. The blind was also nervous about being in the same room with the other teen especially alone together he tried his best not to show his Blushing face but since Deku was not paying attention nothing was too lost in thought too notice the other team blushing.

But then Finally someone decided to break the awkward silence between the both of the teens. The green haired Athena finally stopped talking to himself and decided to look up and talk to the other team but as soon as he looked up he noticed something with the blond haired teen blushing and sweating a lot." Caught are you OK are you blushing." The fuck I'm not fucking bashing Deku." You totally are blushing.

" why are you blushing Caught. The green hear anything said with a smile smirk on his face The green teen thought Bakugo have seen something on his phone but he was so wrong.

The blonde get up and walk up to that that will be so bad his season starts around the opposite direction and thinking that Bakugo was going to slap him or do something worse because of the green haired team had teased him back and go ahead caught up and he had basically pinned him down to the wall.

The blonde get up and walk up to that that will be so bad his season starts around the opposite direction and thinking that Bakugo was going to slap him or do something worse because of the green haired team had teased him back and go ahead caught...

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" I will kill you know if you tell anyone keep your mouth shut." Fine The green teen said well starting to look a way to hide his small blush ." B.. Bakugo you're too close to my face. The blonde didn't even notice what he was doing until the green hair the team said something. Double automatically backed away from the team and put his hands over his face to hide the blood from his face.

both of the teens was now a wreck they couldn't barely look at each other so they was basically standing in front of each other doing nothing and saying nothing.

" hey nerd. I can go broke the silence." Yes what. Do you remember when You asked me was I gay." yeah why." I'm gonna do the same question are you Gay. This question took the green heard it to him by surprise the only time he ever thought about this was the time he asked Bakugo was he's gay otherwise he doesn't know in his opinion he was bisexual." Oh well no and yes I am bisexual I date boys and girls why." No reason just wanted to know.

That answer me Bakugo want to scream yes. Inside of the blonde said he was so happy and relieved. But now the blonde just wonder if Deku liked it him.

"I'm going to go to the locker room to change into my regular clothes." I want to come with you I also have to change" OK just let me get my stuff I'll catch up with you. That green hair it's in Sakura blonde. Before walking away to get his belongings. It took the teen five minutes to grab his things and head over to the locker room to change.

By a time The green hairy teen got to the locker room the blonde was already halfway finished putting on his clothes.

But the green hear the team did not know that Baccarat was on the other side of the lockers changing the green here to change it stop the blood had already finished and left. So the green hair thing started putting on his clothes.

A green haired teen didn't notice the other team was still inside of the locker room until he heard him putting or taking something from out of the lockers

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A green haired teen didn't notice the other team was still inside of the locker room until he heard him putting or taking something from out of the lockers.

" hey Bakugo are you still in here." Yeah why." Nothing I just thought you might've laugh.
" well I didn't I'm still here I'm just putting something in my locker then I will leave what are you too shy to let me see you change Nerd." No I just thought you might've finished and laugh." Plus why would I be chi about that how long have we known each other again." Fairpoint.

" wow I'm done I'm leaving goodbye." By Bakugo see you later." Yeah. When the blonde laugh I love the green editing feeling flustered. 

                             Two hours later

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