Chapter 40

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It's been two weeks since you found out the news. One day you decided to go down to the lab for Bruce to do an ultrasound to see how far along you are. He starts the scan but his smile quickly fades.

"Bruce," you say with fear in your voice. "What's wrong?"

He turns to you, "It seems that you are about 9 weeks along. But there is no heartbeat and you have begun to miscarry. Serenity I am so sorry."

You look at him and it feels as though time freezes. He begins to explain what will happen over the next several days but you never hear a word.

You go back to your room and collapse on the bed crying. You look down at your hands that have begun to glow a dark gray. You slam a book into the wall with your powers.

Loki walks in and runs over to you. "What's wrong love?" He says grabbing your face.

You fight back tears long enough to tell him what's happening and then collapse into his arms sobbing.

He tries to comfort you but you cry for hours before finally falling asleep on his lap. He manages to sneak out of the bed and walks into the kitchen to pour himself a drink. A small tear falls down his face when he sees Thor enter the room.

"Brother," he exclaims, quickly wiping the tear away.

"Loki, I saw that. What's going on?" Thor replies. Loki walks out to the balcony and explains the situation to Thor. "Brother I am so sorry. You should go back to the room. She needs you."

Loki nods. He walks back into the room and sees blood on the sheets around your waist. He quickly wakes you up.

You look down at the blood and then back at him. He scoops you off the bed and runs you down to the lab screaming for help along the way.

Everyone comes storming into the lab and sees your legs covered in blood.

Tony runs in, "what the hell happened?"

"Everyone take a breath," you exclaim. "I'm having a miscarriage. Bruce told me this would happen."

Tony looks straight into your eyes, "you're pregnant."

You look down at your legs and then back to him, "not anymore."

Two weeks have passed since that night. You wake up every day a little stronger. You try to get past the trauma of the situation and throw yourself into wedding planning. One day you are lying in the bed typing a guest list when Loki teleports into your room, flower in hand.

You smile at him and close your computer. You signal for him to get on the bed with you.

He gives you a kiss and smile as he lays across your lap.

"How are you feeling today darling?"

"I'm okay. A little better everyday. Wedding planning has kept my mind off of it."

"Yes, about that," he gives you a grin, "I was wondering if we could move the date up some?"

You look at him surprised. "To when?"

"Well I was hoping this weekend?"

You look at him with wide eyes and your mouth wide open. "Loki I don't even have a dress yet."

He sits up and grabs your face. "Show up in nothing I don't care. I just need you to be mine. I don't want to wait any longer."

You smile and kiss him. "Okay. This weekend it is."

He jumps out of bed, "excellent. I will get Stark to start the process."

You smile and shake your head as he exits the room.

Friday afternoon you are sitting in your room with Nat and Wanda going over some last minute details when you hear a knock at the door. Wanda jumps up and hides your dress in the closet.

Nat answers the door and sees Loki.

Nat, "you get 5 minutes and then you don't get to see her again until tomorrow at the altar."

Loki nods in agreement and walks into your room and sits beside you on the bed.

"How's my favorite God of Mischief?" you say giving him a kiss.

"Better now that I've seen you my darling. Ready for tomorrow?"

You smile, "More than anything."

He kisses you and whispers in your ear, "I think I'm more ready for the honeymoon."

You lean back and give him a small slap on the chest. He smiles and kisses you once more before walking toward the door.

"See you tomorrow Mrs. mischief." He gives you a wink.

As he walks out Nat and Wanda walk back in. "Okay Serenity, you are all ours now." Nat says with a smile.

"What are we going to do for the next 18 hours? Just sit here?" you ask.

Wanda, "pretty much yeah. We are going to bed and then it's up bright and early in the morning to start getting you ready. I know how much you love waking up early so I added an extra 15 minutes for you to wake up and put on a happy face."

You shake your head and laugh.

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