Chapter 16

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He runs down to the lab where Tony and Bruce are tirelessly working on a plan to get you back.

"I heard her," he yells at them.

"What," Tony asks with his eyebrows down.

"I've been trying to enter her mind for days now and haven't been able to find her. But just now I heard her. She was able to let out enough energy that she broke the barrier between our minds."

Tony looks at Loki sharply, "what exactly did you hear?"

Loki looks down and takes a breath, "I heard her screaming."

Tony quickly turns around trying not to cry at the thought of his little girl screaming in pain. He once again faces Loki and Bruce. "Well, what now? How do we use this to find her?"

"I think if I'm able to keep our connection I could speak with her, and she could tell me where she is. But right now, she isn't responding to me."

Tony knows exactly what he means by that. "Well, that's something, I guess. Bruce keep working on finding us a way into the ship. Loki, you keep trying to wake her up and get her to talk."

They all nod in agreement.

Hours pass of Loki repeating "Serenity. Serenity my darling can you hear me? I need you to wake up. Please my love, wake up."

Later that night you slowly begin to regain consciousness. You lay there with burn marks from the chains that sent electrical shocks through your body. You groan in pain when you finally hear him.

Your eyes open wide, "Loki?"

"Yes. I'm here my love. Your scream was powerful enough to break the barrier between our minds. I need you to fully let me in. I need to see what you see so I can find out where you are."

You slowly sit up and try to clear your mind enough so he can enter it.

Loki yells for Bruce and Tony. "Bruce hook me up so you can see my thoughts. I have her."

Everyone comes rushing into the lab just in time for Loki's mind to be projected onto the wall.

"Loki, can you see? I'm trying really hard to stay conscious."

The sound of your voice makes everyone tear up.

"Yes, darling I can see. We need you to stay awake. Are there any windows where you can see outside.?"

You slowly scan the room and see a tiny window about 70 feet away. Loki can see it through your eyes.

"Bruce," he exclaims.

"I see it," Bruce answers, quickly trying to zoom in and scanning to see what planet is outside the window.

"Loki, I can't. I'm slipping." Your eyes begin to close.

"Hold on for just a moment longer, please," he begs.

Bruce yells, "I got it! They are close to Vormir!"

Everyone smiles and cheers knowing that they've found you at last. The picture goes black as your eyes close completely and you pass back out.

"don't worry darling, we are coming for you." Those are the last words you hear.

Loki looks over at Tony who has tears running down his face.

He stands up and wipes away the tears, "let's go get her."

Two days have passed since the team located you. Thor stands at the end of the conference table explaining to everyone the plan. Going detail by detail of how they intend on getting you back.

Tony slams his fist on the table, "why are we still sitting here talking about it. Let's go now."

Nat puts her hand on his arm.

"Tony, I know you want to get her back. We all do. But we must be smart about this. If we go in with a half-assed plan, there's a chance he will kill her, and you know it. Keep going Thor."

Tony sits back down as Thor continues to explain.

"Now because Vormir is 2 galaxies away it will take us about 24 hours to get there. Typically, we would just jump but we can't chance Thanos getting word of our arrival. Everyone be ready and at my ship in 1 hour."

Everyone nods in agreement and begins to gather all supplies and weapons they will need.

Loki is sitting on the balcony where you typically sit sharpening his daggers. He can't stop picturing you holding them in your beautiful hands. Thor walks outside to join him.

"Are you alright brother?"

Loki shakes his head no

"You didn't hear her scream Thor. I'm concerned what state we are going to find her in based on that scream alone. I just need to see her eyes again."

Thor pats his back. "Is she aware how strong your feelings for her are? I mean I've noticed a spark between you two for the last few weeks, but you sound as if you are in love with her."

Loki looks up at him, "I think I might be. As shocking as it might be, I am capable of loving someone. And having her ripped away from me like this has made my longing for her even greater."

"And how do you plan on breaking this to Stark," he laughs.

Loki shakes his head and smiles, "I intend on letting her break the news to him. But first we have to get her back so I can find out if she feels the same."

Thor smiles, "I've seen the way she looks at you dear brother. She feels the same."

He walks away without another word.

Loki continues to sharpen his weapons.

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