Chapter 3

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Despite his past transgressions, everyone is laughing and drinking with Loki. As if he doesn't have a bad bone in his body. You sit in the back of the room quietly sipping a drink before you decide to walk onto the balcony. You can still hear Thor arguing with Steve about who the better-looking avenger is. You smile at the sound and stand against the railing enjoying the sunset. From behind you hear a voice.

"May I join you?"

You turn around and are surprised to see Loki's face. You aren't sure how to react. So instead of speaking you simply shake your head in agreement.

He walks up and stands beside you, leaning against the railing.

"Thor has kept me up to date on what's been happening with you."

You keep silent and take a sip of your drink.

"I mean you no ill will my dear. I was power hungry in the past. I've seen the wrong in my actions and am a new man. I mean it. I have no intention of conquering earth or any planet for that matter."

You finally break your silence, "so what are your intentions then? I just find it very odd that on the same day I start training my powers again you show up. And don't for a second think that I don't know what you've been doing for the past 2 years."

Loki looks at you surprised.

"Oh, don't play dumb. I know you've been entering my mind periodically. Checking to see how unstable my power was and how you could take advantage of me. I'm no idiot Loki and you're a fool if you think I'm that naïve.

He frowns and stares at the ground.

"While it is true that I was entering your mind it wasn't to take advantage of your power. I was making sure you were okay. I almost made you destroy yourself with your own power. After seeing the fear in your eyes that day I knew I had to make it right. Even while I was locked up the only thing I could focus on was making sure that I hadn't completely destroyed you, both physically and mentally. I am so sorry darling. I will never hurt you again. I promise."

You don't know what to say. Is he telling the truth or is he just trying to manipulate you? You make eye contact and are surprised by the sight. His eyes have an expression that you've never seen before. What could it be? What does it mean?

You take a breath and reply "while I appreciate the sentiment Loki it's going to take me a while to trust you. I should go back inside before my dad finds us out here."

He nods and grins at you as you walk away.

Back inside you sit next to Clint who sees your hands shaking.

"You okay kid," he asks with sincere concern.

You look at him and nod. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be? Also, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me kid. I'm 27 Clint"

"You'll always be a kid to me and well it's been an interesting day. Just making sure you're handling it okay. You look a little on edge."

"I'm fine Clint, really. Just a thousand thoughts running through my head, so I think I'm gonna call it a night."

"Okay, well goodnight kid."

You sneak away towards the stairs. In your mind you hear "goodnight darling, sleep well."

You stop cold in your tracks and turn around to see Loki smiling at you from across the room. You give a small smile and head up the stairs.

Up in your room you lay on the bed pondering Loki's words.

"I don't understand this. He wanted to use me for my powers. Why is he so caring now? Does he feel guilty for almost killing me? Is he trying to get me to let my guard down? What does it mean?"

You hear a knock on the door that startles you as you sit straight up in bed.

"Come in"

You see Tony walk in with a bowl of ice cream.

"You left before dessert and thought you might want some. It's your favorite, plain vanilla with nothing on it. The most boring dessert on the planet."

You laugh and take the bowl. "Thanks dad"

"You okay nugget? I know what I'm feeling so I can only imagine what you are."

"I'm okay. It's just all confusing, I guess. I'm trying not to think about it and focus on retraining my powers. But I'm okay, really. I just need to get some sleep so we can get back to training tomorrow."

He smiles and kisses your forehead. "That's my strong girl. Eat your ice cream and go to bed. Be in the training room by 8 in the morning."

You groan in annoyance "why so early?"

He replies "oh come on sleeping beauty. You'll survive, I promise. Good night nugget."

"Night dad"

As he closes the door you snicker. You look down at the ice cream as it melts in the bowl. You take a few bites but your wondering mind kills your appetite, so you decide to just turn off the lights and go to sleep.

You're lying-in bed when suddenly you hear a noise from somewhere in your room. You sit up to see Loki standing in the shadows. "What are you doing in here," you exclaim. He smiles and makes his way towards the bed.

"I asked you a question. What..." He puts his finger across your lips. "Shhh my pet. This is no time for talking." He pulls you into his embrace and rubs your cheeks with his fingers.

"So beautiful, so misunderstood, so dangerous."

You can't find any words and just stare at him. You can feel your heart racing as he runs his fingers through your hair. All the blood in your body rushes to your face. He smiles and giggles at the sight of your red cheeks.

"My love, there is no need to fear. I'll be gentle I promise."

He grabs you by the chin and kisses you. He pulls back to meet your eyes and says, "come now, you can do better than that."

This time you give in to his kiss and open your mouth. You feel his tongue against yours and you let yourself fall back onto the bed. You feel every muscle in his body as he lays on top of you. You let out a sound that surprises even you. You have never been touched by a man so passionately. Your old college boyfriend could never make you feel like this.

"You're mine," he whispers into your ear.

You can feel his hands working their way down your body. Your breathing heavies as you start to say "Loki, i..." He once again interrupts your sentence but this time with a kiss.

"I said this is not the time for talking" he slyly grins. He continues down your body and before you know it, he's at your thighs. You can't help but moan and he softly kisses you. Just as he starts to enter you, you hear a knock at the door.

You gasp as you wake up and realize it was all a dream. You are covered in sweat as if you had a fever and are breathing heavily. You look around the room one more time to ensure that it was all a dream. You fall back onto your pillow and think "what the hell was that?"

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