Chapter 15

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A few days pass and you haven't seen a single soul pass by the glass. "I must be in a part of the ship that no one goes through."

Your stomach growls loudly. You can't help but think how thirsty and hungry you are. At that moment you hear a tray slide under an opening from the back wall before it quickly closes back. You run over and see a small bowl of soup and glass of water. The thought that it could be poisoned passes through your mind for a moment, but you don't even care. It's food.

You grab the bowl and start eating. You look up to see a familiar face staring at you through the glass.

"You," you say angrily. The creature that stole you from your room is face to face with you.

"Eat up Serenity. You're going to need your strength for what I have planned," he smirks at you.

You want to stop eating but can't. You're so hungry and thirsty that your body has taken control of your mind. It's eat or die.

"And what do you have planned," you ask between bites.

"Well while you are here, I intend on taking full advantage of your power. Studying it and using it to aid Thanos in his quest."

You feel a shiver crawl down your back. 

He walks off, "enjoy."

The next day you are awakened by a dozen guards grabbing you and chaining you. They put this collar around your neck. When you try to use your powers, nothing happens. The collar is preventing your powers from working properly. The guards lead you to some type of lab and place you in another glass cage. You crash to the floor with your arms by your sides. They remove your collar and quickly exit the cage, the door locking behind them.

You look through the glass to see the creature and Thanos talking and pointing at you.

"It's not polite to talk about someone behind their back," you yell toward them.

They look toward you with devilish smiles.

Thanos approaches the glass. "Alright little one. Let's see those powers in action."

You just stare back at him, fire in your eyes.

He turns back toward the creature "obviously she needs some encouragement." The creature nods and pushes a button.

You can feel electricity running through your body. Once it stops you fall to the ground trying to catch your breath. "This is bad," you think to yourself.

"Now I'll ask once again, let's see those powers of yours in action," Thanos says with a small smile.

You finally bring yourself back to your feet. Your eyes are filled with tears from pain and anger. Your entire body starts to glow blue as you release a surge of energy toward the glass. It manages to absorb the blow.

Thanos looks at you with a smirk on his face. He nods toward the creature who presses the button once more, shocking your entire body.

"Perfect. Now I need you to do that about 100 more times."

"What," you say looking directly at him.

"You see Serenity. I have found a way to collect the powers of others. I have a vast collection but none as strong as yours." He points across the room to a wall that is stacked 60 feet high with other people and creatures in glass cages just like yours.

"I drain your energy, give your body time to recover and then steal the rest of your power. Yours is the last I need to be indestructible. And once I have the stones no one will be able to stop me. So now I need you to get on your feet and release all the power in your body. The shocks are to remind you that you don't have a choice."

A few hours pass and you can feel yourself slipping in and out of consciousness. You feel as though they have drained every ounce of power out of you, but they still want more. With each shock you find it harder and harder to stand.

You give one last bolt of energy before collapsing to the ground.

The creature nods and says "I think we are done for the day. But before we take you back to your cell, one last shock to keep you subdued."

This time the shock is more intense and lasts longer. You let out a wailing scream in pain before passing out for good this time. The guards enter the room and drag your limp body back to your cell.

Back on earth, Loki is asleep in his bed when he suddenly hears your scream in pain. He sits straight up in bed not believing what he's just heard.

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