Chapter 2

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Outside everyone sighs in relief when they realize that it's Thor's ship.

Sam "He should really call before he decides to drop by, so he doesn't give everyone a heart attack."

The ship's doors open and out walks Thor from the darkness. "Hello my dear Avengers," he exclaims.

Steve replies "it's good to see you Thor. It's been a while. What brings you to Earth?"

"Well, I was thinking to myself the other day that I haven't been here in a while and started missing everyone." He laughs "no, no. I came to keep an eye on him." He points back to the ship as another dark figure starts to make its way out the doors.

Loki steps out and greets everyone with a smile.

Everyone looks surprised and angered to see him since the last time he was on Earth he almost killed you.

Your heart drops to your stomach at the sight of him. Tony steps in front of you and clenches his fist. "Thor, what the hell is this?"

Thor replies "Calm down Stark. Loki has changed his ways and has come to apologize to everyone. Isn't that right Loki?"

Loki looks at the ground and then back up at everyone. "It's true. Being locked up in Asgardian prison I've had time to reflect on my past mistakes. It pains me to say that I do owe everyone an apology for my past actions but there is one person that deserves the biggest apology."

He turns to face you, but Tony's face blocks yours. "Stark if you would please step aside so I can apologize to Serenity properly."

You put your hand on Tony's shoulder and he reluctantly steps beside you.

Loki walks towards you. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest.

"Sweet Serenity. I am so sorry for trying to turn you into a weapon of mass destruction. I realize now that it was unfair of me to try and take advantage of your new power. After all, if you want to destroy earth and everyone on it you can make that decision yourself."

Thors eyebrow furrows "Loki."

"I'm kidding. But truly I do apologize."

You give Loki a small smile. "I accept your apology Loki."

Thor smiles "wonderful. Now, can we please go inside? I'm starving and need a drink."

Everyone starts to head inside the compound.

Tony grabs you by the arm. "Serenity, I don't want you here if he's here. He's unstable and you are just now starting to feel like yourself again. I'm not letting him ruin that."

You hug him and say "I promise I'm okay Dad. I'm a big girl. Little Gods like Loki don't scare me. I can handle myself, promise."

He nods and you head inside.

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