Chapter 18

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You want to push Loki away but it's too late. Tony has already seen you.

He just shakes his head angrily, "we will deal with this later. But now we need to get out of here."

You both nod and run toward the door. Once out in the open you are surrounded by guards with 20 guns pointed right at you.

Loki's hands glow green. "I could use some back up darling."

You reach for the collar. "I can't with this thing on."

A guard pounces from behind and you all start fighting. Since you can't use your powers, you must rely on strength alone.

Tony yells from across the room. "Loki! Get that damn collar off her now."

Loki stops mid fight and runs over to you and snaps the collar with his hands.

Your eyes ignite in flames, and you begin to levitate off the floor.

Loki smiles staring up at you. "they're in for it now."

You let out a scream and a surge of energy knocks every guard in the room to the ground. You return to the floor and Tony runs over.

"Now's our chance, let's go."

The three of you begin running through the ship. Tony radios the others. "we've got her. Everyone get back to the ship."

You continue running through the halls of the ship. As you start to climb some stairs you feel someone pull your hair from behind and sling you down the stairs to the ground.

"No," you yell.

Loki and Tony turn around to see Thanos is dragging you away by the hair.

They both take off after you when dozens of guards come between you and them. Thanos lifts you up by the throat.

You lock eyes with him, and the blue flames return. This time your entire body is engulfed with flames.

You are able to land a punch on his chest which sends both of you flying in separate directions. The raw energy from the punch lets out a large boom.

Loki and Tony are now joined by Nat and Clint who are steadily fighting off the guards. You quickly get up to your feet and start toward them.

Thanos is hot on your heels when he yells "enough of this."

You feel a pain you've never felt before. You lock eyes with Loki and can see the fear in his face.

You look down and see the end of Thanos' sword sticking out from your stomach. You look back up at Loki before Thanos throws you across the room.

Loki yells out "No!"

You lay on the ground trying to make the bleeding stop when Thanos walks up to you.

"Dear little one. You had so much potential. Such a pity."

You know that this is going to end with you dead no matter what, so you smile as you look at him.

"Well, I'm not going out without a bang."

He has a confused look on his face. You begin to levitate off the floor. Your stomach still dripping blood. You are once again engulfed in flames but this time they aren't your normal blue. They are red.

Your hair and eyes turn to fire. At this point all the avengers are in the same area and are witnessing this.

You smile at them. "I love you all," you say softly.

There is a bright flash that blinds everyone for a moment. Once they are able to see again, they notice the guards have been turned to ash. Not even one remains.

Thanos has been thrown across the room badly burned and barely breathing. They all start scanning the room looking for you.

Finally, Wanda spots you on the floor.

Everyone runs over. Tony falls to his knees and lifts your head.

"Look at me Serenity. Look at me!"

You crack open your eyes and smile softly at him. "I love you dad."

You look over and see Loki. In his mind he hears "don't forget me Loki. I love you."

He looks at you shocked. You close your eyes back.

Thor grabs Tony's shoulder. "We have to get her back to the ship now. Bruce will know what to do."

Tony scoops you off the floor and they head to the ship.

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