Chapter 32

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Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light. You fall to the ground. When their vision returns everyone takes off toward you. They look over to the crater where Thanos was and the only thing that remains are the infinity stones lying on the ground.

Loki falls to his knees beside you, taking you into his arms.

"Serenity, can you hear me?"

Your eyes slowly begin to open and they are still black. They begin to fade back to their natural blue as you regain your vision.

You finally speak in a pained voice, "well that hurt like a bitch."

Loki laughs a sigh of relief. You look at him and smile back.

You look over at Tony who is beaming at you.

"Is he gone?" you ask

Tony nods, "you did it nugget."

They help you to your feet and you look at what remains of Thanos. You feel a sense of calmness surrounding you. He will never be able to hurt you again.

Steve and Bucky wrap your arms around their necks and they help you walk back to the compound.

Tony uses his suit to pack away the infinity stones in a secure box. He nods at Loki and walks away.

Loki looks back at the ship and decides to go inside to see what treasures Thanos had on board.

He's looking around a room when something catches his attention. The tesseract glows inside a small glass box. He picks it up and smiles.

"I've been looking for you," he says.

He makes it vanish to keep it hidden from the others and makes his way back to the compound.

4 months have passed since the battle with Thanos. For once, your life seems perfect. You now train for fun, you are able to enjoy your powers and not be afraid of them, your relationship with Loki has taken you to places you've never been. Life is good.

You wake up as the sun starts to rise. You look over at Loki who is still fast asleep. You manage to crawl out of the bed and carefully tiptoe out onto the balcony. You close your eyes and breathe in the cool morning air as the sun hits your face.

You feel Loki's hands crawl up your thighs and then wrap around your waist.

"What are you doing out of bed my goddess," he asks while rubbing his lips on the back of your neck.

You smile, "you were supposed to be asleep."

"all an illusion my dear," he says as his hands still dance around your body.

you turn around to face him. you climb onto your tiptoes to give him a kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck.

He picks you up and wraps your legs around his waist. He carries you back inside and lays you down on the bed. His hands travel down your body as he kisses you.

But the moment is interrupted by a knock at the door.

His head falls onto your chest and he sighs in frustration.

You laugh and yell out, "yeah what's up?"

Wanda says, "Nat and I are going out for a spa day and wanted to see if you would like to come."

"Yeah I'd love to. I'll meet you downstairs after I get ready."

"Okay," she exclaims.

You look down at Loki who still has his head buried in your chest. You lift his head to look him in the face.

"I need to get up now babe," you say with a smile. "We can continue this later."

He has a devious look on his face. "You didn't say how long it would take you to get ready." he crawls back toward your face.

"Loki," you say laughing.

"We'll be quick darling I promise," he smiles

About an hour later you meet Wanda and Nat downstairs. Nat looks at you with curiosity.

"It usually only takes you 45 minutes to get ready. What were you doing in those extra 15 minutes," she asks.

You smile and answer, "Oh I just needed to shower first."

At that moment Loki walks past them and turns to wink at you. you feel your face turn red.

"Damn you, Mr. Mischief," you say in his head.

"It was worth the 15 minutes though my love," he responds.

Wanda grabs you by the arm, "well you're here now so lets go please."

you give Loki a small wave as you exit the room.

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