Chapter 22

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The next morning you wake up to Loki asleep with his head on your hand. "Loki," you say softly. He barely moves

"Loki," you say a little louder. His head flies up and looks directly at you.

His face shows his relief to see you awake. "Did you sleep on me all night?"

He nods and gives you a grin that quickly fades, "do you remember what happened last night."

You lower your eyebrows, "no, why what happened." At that moment you notice the broken glass all over the room.

You look back at him "Loki, what did I do?"

He explains what happened and you begin the cry. "Why don't I remember any of this? I don't even remember you entering my mind."

He wipes the tears from your face. "Darling, I believe your subconscious is still trapped. While your body is free, your mind still feels as though it's locked in that cage."

You look at him with extreme concern. "Well, how am I supposed to free my mind when I don't even remember dreaming that."

He looks down at your hand and pulls it to his lips and kisses it.

"I'm not sure about love. But we will figure it out. I should go get Stark. He would want to know that you're awake."

He goes to stand up, but you hold onto his hand tightly. "Loki, I'm scared."

He quickly grabs you by the face and puts his forehead against yours.

"don't be scared my love. We will get through this together."

He kisses you. While the kiss was strong, he was sure to keep his hands gentle on your face, ensuring that he doesn't hurt you.

He walks out of the room to fetch Tony.

It's been 3 weeks since your last nightmare. You have been working everyday trying to gain some of your strength back. Everyone has been so caring and patient with you. Everyday Tony brings you your favorite breakfast, Wanda helps you get dressed, Sam and Bucky help you walk around the infirmary, and Loki brings you a fresh flower from Wanda's garden out front.

"You know you are destroying her garden, right?" you laugh as he hands you the flower of the day.

"She doesn't seem to mind since they are coming to you." He bows and tips his invisible hat, "my lady."

You just laugh, "you are a dork Loki Laufeyson."

He leans in for a kiss, "but I'm your dork."

You just shake your head. Bruce and Tony walk in.

"Ah finally! Bruce today is the day. I'm going back up to my room."

Tony interrupts, "I think you should stay down here a few more days nugget."

You roll your eyes angrily. "Not an option. I'm sick of laying in this bed. If I must lay in one it might as well be mine, in the comfort of my own room. Jesus Christ it's been 3 weeks. I at least want the option to take a real shower. I'm not 5 dad. I can handle it. If it's too much I will ask for help I promise. But I'm going to my room today. End of discussion."

Bruce tries to hide his laugh. "Well Tony, I believe the decision has been made. Serenity I hereby medically clear you to leave the infirmary. Now get out of here."

"Thank you," you exclaim.

"Fine then, let's get you upstairs." Tony reaches for your hand, but you pull them away.

"Dad, I believe Loki is more than capable of helping me up one flight of stairs. Right Loki?"

Loki turns toward Tony. "I believe I can manage."

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