Chapter 21

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In your dreams the only thing you see is the cage where you were kept. You can feel every electric shock running through your body. You can see the guard beating you mercilessly. You can feel Thanos' blade tearing through every muscle in your abdomen. You start screaming in your sleep.

Your heart rate climbs to the 200's. you scream so hard that the stitches in your stomach start to tear open.

Loki is the first to come running in the room. "Darling what's wrong?"

You never hear him. You continue screaming and thrashing in the bed.

"Serenity," he yells, "wake up. You're dreaming. It isn't real. Wake up."

By this time everyone has made it to your bedside. Tony pushes past everyone.

"Bruce give her something to calm down. Hurry!"

Loki still has you by the face trying to wake you up.

Suddenly the glass from the windows in the room begins to shake. A red aura starts to form around you. You let out one final scream and the glass shatters. Everyone tries to cover themselves from the flying shards. Your body goes limp in Loki's arms.

Sam looks around the room, "what the hell was that."

Everyone is stunned by what they just witnessed.

Tony yells, "Jarvis, full body scan Serenity. Loki lay her back down."

Loki softly puts your head back on the pillow.

Jarvis "changes from baseline. Heart Rate and blood pressure are returning to normal. Brain waves are normal."

Thor says, "how did she do that without even opening her eyes."

Loki looks back at Tony, "she was dreaming the whole time. She never woke up."

Tony's face is full of concern. "Bruce, go ahead and give her something to keep her calm."

Bruce walks over and gives you some medicine. "She tore her stitches. Someone get me a kit from that cart."

Nat quickly hands Bruce the suture kit and he lifts your shirt to reveal your bleeding abdomen.

Loki turns his head at the sight of the wound.

Bucky speaks up, "how about we let Bruce fix her in private." Everyone walks out of the room.

Everyone walks into the kitchen. Nat starts pouring everyone drinks.

"Do you think she was dreaming about what happened on the ship," Clint asks.

"Well obviously they beat her. That's evident from the bruises and gashes all over her," Nat responds.

Steve speaks up, "it's just like what prisoners of war experience. She's got PTSD. She was dreaming the whole time. But with her power she can cause chaos in the environment around."

Tony looks over at him, "can we not discuss this right now."

Steve looks at Tony, "Tony I'm sorry."

Loki gets up and walks outside on the balcony. Wanda walks behind him. "Loki, are you okay?"

He looks toward the sky. "I couldn't wake her up. I even tried entering her mind, but I couldn't get in."

Wanda rubs his arm, "she's okay Loki. She probably won't even remember it when she wakes up."

"That's what I'm worried about." He walks back inside toward the infirmary.

He walks in as Bruce is placing the last bandage and pulls your shirt back down.

"Is she okay," Loki asks from the doorway.

Bruce looks up, "yeah she's okay. She's still out but she will be for the rest of the night. I gave her enough medicine to keep her asleep until morning. She needs to rest."

Loki nods his head and Bruce walks past him.

Loki walks over to your bedside and grabs your hand. Kissing it softly. "Let me in sweetheart. Let me see your thoughts."

He closes his eyes and focuses on you. He's finally able to enter your mind.

He looks around and sees you crying in the corner of the glass cage. He tries to run toward you but runs into an invisible wall.

He starts banging on the wall yelling your name. You lift your head to see him. You want to run toward him, but the chains are keeping you close to the floor. Tears stream down your face. "Loki, I'm scared," you whimper.

He looks at you with loving eyes. "don't be scared darling. This is just a dream. This isn't real. You are lying in bed right now with me holding your hand. This isn't real."

You grasp onto every word. The door of the cage flies open and several guards rush in and start beating you. Your eyes scream for Loki, but nothing comes out of your mouth. He's beating the glass trying to reach you, but he can't. Finally, he hears you scream "please help me,"

Loki quickly retreats from your mind back to reality.

"Your face seems so peaceful, but your mind is being tormented," Loki says while rubbing your face.

Thor walks in the room. "What did you see Loki," he asks.

Loki looks back at him, "her body may be free, but her mind isn't. she's still trapped on that ship."

Thor walks up to him and places his hands on your feet. "She will get through it brother. She is strong. She will break free from her mind. Just give her some time."

Loki nods and continues to rub your face.

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