Chapter 28

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You spend the entire day preparing something special for Loki. You go out and buy a new lingerie set, you get your nails done, legs waxed, the works. You sneak back to your room and start trying new things with your powers. Everything is going according to plan. You glance at your reflection and see you are glowing purple as you finish setting everything up.

"Okay enough powers for a while, I can't have my emotions ruin the surprise. "

It feels like an eternity, but the time has finally come. At the strike of 9 o'clock you hear a knock at the door.

You glance in the mirror one last time as you go to open the door.

You open the door but there is no one there. You look down the hall but close the door quickly before anyone notices.

You hear a small laugh from behind. You turn to see Loki standing on the balcony.

"You are undeniably cute when you get excited," he smirks.

You walk out and join him on the balcony. He kisses you softly.

"Now will you explain to me what all the fuss yesterday was about," he asks impatiently.

You pull him inside by the hand and start explaining the colors you have experienced with your powers and different emotions.

You slowly lift various objects in the room trying to channel different emotions.

He never looks away from you. He interrupts you with a kiss.

"I wonder what other emotions look like on you."

"You see," you smile at him. "I already had that thought. But I'm gonna need some help finding out."

With the snap of your fingers a purple haze fills the room, and the lights turn off. As it clears it reveals candles all around the room.

Loki looks at you with a surprised look, "well that's new."

You shyly laugh. "don't get too excited. That was the only trick I managed to learn in the last 8 hours."

He laughs and pulls you in for a kiss. You fall back on the bed, and he crawls on top of you. He teases you with his lips just above yours.

"Now are you going to tell me why you planned all of this?"

You just smile and whisper in his ear, "I'm just making your dreams come true Loki."

He looks at you. He quickly deciphers your riddle. "Did you enter my mind last night?"

You bite your lip with a smile and gaze into his eyes.

He laughs, "you naughty girl. Well, let's see what you learned from your journey."

He begins kissing you. His hands dance up and down your body. He takes off your shirt and shorts revealing the new lingerie.

"Well now what's this," he asks with a smirk.

"You didn't think I would come back to you after months in something old, did you."

He nods and smiles, "while it is very nice darling, it just gets in my way."

He quickly rips off the last remaining items of clothing on your body. He sits up and admires your body. "Perfection," he smiles.

He continues to kiss you as you rip his shirt open and tear it off him. He glances at you, eyes squinted.

"Like you said, it just gets in the way," you smile.

He slowly works his way down your body. Kissing every inch of you. He reaches your thighs and tenderly pulls your legs apart. You can feel his tongue working its way in and out of you. Your breathing heavies with every lick and thrust of his fingers. You can feel yourself preparing to tip over the edge, so you begin to pull him back up to your face. "Not yet," you say.

You quickly flip on top of him. You begin kissing down his body. You can feel him growing through his pants. Your breath on his skin and begin removing his bottoms. You take every inch of him in your hands and mouth with no problem. You hear his breathing starting to heavy as he moans. You start working back up his body. Biting his muscles before reaching his face. He grabs you and kisses you with a sense of harshness. You are sitting on his lap, and he can feel you dripping on him. You reach under and put his body in yours. You both sigh. You start riding him the way you observed in the dream.

"Is this what you dreamt of," you whisper in his ear.

He reaches his hand around your thighs and flips you on your back. "Even better," he responds in your ear before biting it. With every thrust your heart races more and more. Your hands trace his body as you squeeze each muscle. He pulls one of your legs up higher and you let out a loud moan. He knows exactly where to hit you. He kisses your neck and when he looks back at your eyes he laughs,

"what" you ask.

"I believe we found a new color my pet," he smirks.

You look at your hands as they leave a fading trail of green on his body.

You continue having the most passionate sex you ever have.

You feel yourself nearing the end. "Loki," you breathe, "don't stop."

"I'm coming too, my dear." You both climax. Your bodies in sync with one another.

You lay on his chest and gaze in his eyes as he plays with your hair.

"Was that worth the wait," he asks.

You smile and nod, "I've waited a lifetime for that."

He laughs. "I think it's quite fitting that passion portrays itself in a green hue. Like it was meant to be."

You lay on the pillow next to him and put your arms across his chest, "I was just thinking that."

He pulls your face up by your chin to look into your eyes, "my goddess."

You smile as he tucks a small piece of hair behind your ear.

You both fall asleep in each other's arms. You have never felt more at peace than you do at this moment.

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