Chapter 17

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Back on Thanos' ship you are woken up by the sound of chains and footsteps. You don't even struggle when the guards snatch you up and take you back to the lab.

Once inside the glass cage, you try to prepare yourself for the pain that is to come.

Thanos taps on the glass. "No smart comments today."

You look up at his face and smirk "your chin looks like a butt."

He laughs and shakes his head. He signals the creature, "she's ready."

You tense your body waiting for the shock, but it doesn't happen. You open your eyes and look at Thanos confused.

Suddenly you hear the door of the cage swing open and see a massive guard in armor heading straight for you.

You look back at Thanos, "what the hell is this?" you ask with a tone of fear.

"I don't believe the electric shocks were enough to release your full potential. I think hand-to-hand combat is the way to go with you."

You look back at the guard who is already in a fighting pose. "How is it a fair fight when I'm chained to the floor?"

He just laughs.

"I expect you to use your powers little one. Not your muscles." He snaps signaling the guard to attack.

You quickly raise your hands to form a wall of energy between you and the guard, but it quickly disappears as the machine shocks you and sucks in the power. Before you have time to react the guard swiftly punches your face knocking you to the ground.

As he goes in for another swing you stop his fist inches from your face. Your eyes burn bright with blue flames as you send him crashing into the glass. You manage to get to your feet and levitate him off the ground and throw him across the room.

You feel a shock run through your body as all your energy is pulled straight from your body.

You scream and fall to your knees. While trying to catch your breath the guard is running toward you and kicks you in your chest. You fly back but only a foot or two since you are still chained to one spot. He punches you repeatedly. He strikes harder and harder.

You finally find enough strength to sling him against the wall one last time. You feel the electricity run through your body once more and this time it knocks you out. You fall to the floor slamming your head as you land.

Thanos smiles with satisfaction. "This is how we get her true power. Keep her in there until she wakes up and then go again."

"Yes master," the creature responds.

24 hours have passed. You have had the shit beat out of you 5 times in the last 24 hours. Each time it takes you longer to recover. When you wake up from the most recent fight you see Thanos standing above you holding a glass of water.

You quickly sit up and try to use your powers to throw him across the room. But when you look at your hands there is no blue light.

You then realize you have the collar on that suppresses your power.

Thanos laughs and shakes his head, "you really think I'm stupid enough to enter the arena with you without some protection? Drink this." He holds the cup in front of your face.

You want so badly to slap it right out of his hand, but you are so dehydrated that you take the cup and chug the water.

"Good child," he says, patting your head.

You look back at him. "What's with the sudden generosity?"

"You need to rehydrate before your next session. I'm not going to let you die from something as dumb as dehydration. That would be such a waste."

Suddenly you hear alarms and see lights flashing. The creature comes running to the cage.

"Sire, a ship has just entered this sector and is headed straight for us."

You have a giant smile on your face. "Ooh you're in trouble now Barney."

He looks back at you with a furrowed brow.

You look at him and laugh, "you messed with the wrong family."

At that same moment you hear an explosion somewhere in the ship. Thanos stands up and heads toward the door. "Keep her here," he orders.

You struggle but make it to your feet and look out the glass and can see the crew running around grabbing weapons. "Come on Loki, come find me."

The avengers have entered the ship.

Tony gathers everyone quickly before the fight begins.

"Everyone split up. I don't care who finds her first but if you do, get her back to the ship immediately and then radio everyone back."

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Let's get our girl back," Tony says as his suit closes around him.

Everyone goes a different direction, and the battle has begun. You can hear shots firing but can figure out what way they are coming from. The room you are in makes everything echo. You are so distracted by the noise that you don't even realize a guard has entered the cage.

It's the same guard you fought the other day. He's covered in bruises and seems very angry.

You turn to face him when it hits you. You still have the collar on.

He runs toward you, and you try punching and kicking him back, but your movement is limited due to the chains. He knocks you to the ground and begins choking you.

You struggle under the weight of him. Trying to set yourself free but can't.

He laughs thinking he's won.

Suddenly a large object hits in the back of the head and he falls to the ground beside you. You gasp for air as you look up toward the door and see Loki running toward you.

"Loki," you smile and exhale.

"Hello, my darling," he rubs your bruised cheek. "Let's get you out of these chains shall we."

He breaks you free from the chains and lifts you to your feet. You stumble slightly but he catches you. You look up at him and he grabs your chin and kisses you softly.

Once your faces separate you see another person in the doorway.

It's Tony.

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