Chapter 20

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"I turned what color," you ask with a shaky voice.

"As red as fire," Tony says softly while rubbing your head.

You trace the ceiling tiles with your eyes. "I don't understand. My powers have always shown as a blue color. Why would they turn red?"

Bruce steps in, "I think we are getting closer to that answer. While you've been sleeping, I've been doing some brain mapping of the memories of that day. When Thanos stabbed you a pulse of energy went straight to your brain's cortex here. When you came to terms with your death it seems a small atom in that cortex released unmeasurable energy. For some strange reason when this power was released your body turned red. Almost as if some part of your power had been hibernating and it was finally woken up."

Tony raises his hand to signal to Bruce that he had said enough.

"In other words, Nugget, we still aren't sure why that happened. I'm sure we will figure it out but for now you need to rest." He kisses your forehead and walks out of the room with Bruce.

You lie there deep in your thoughts.

You close your eyes and then feel someone tuck a piece of hair behind your eye.

You don't even have to open your eyes to know who it is.

"Hello darling," he whispers in your ear.

You smile and open your eyes to see Loki hovering right above your face.

"Hey," you softly reply. He plants a small kiss on your lips and sits beside your bed. You turn your head to face him.

"I'm pretty sure you doing that has already gotten us in trouble once today," you quietly laugh.

He laughs back, "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

You just shake your head and smile at him. "Someone has been watching too many movies."

His smile fades as he glances down toward your stomach. He traces your body with his eyes. Observing every cut and bruise on your skin before his eyes land back on yours.

He strokes your hair and asks, "how are you feeling?"

You wince slightly when his thumb rubs against one of your stitches on your head.

"Sorry my love."

You smile at him "it's okay. I'm okay. Very sore but it will go away. I must admit we have some great pain meds here."

He shakes his head and gives you a small chuckle. Gazing back into your eyes he asks, "do you remember anything after the blast?"

You shake your head no.

He looks at you with disappointment in his eyes.

You reach out and touch his face, "why? Is there something you are wanting me to remember?"

He holds your hand against his cheek.

"We can talk about it later darling. You need to try and get some rest. Close those beautiful eyes and sleep"

You nod at him and quickly drift off.

He covers you with your blanket and kisses your head. He turns to leave when he sees Tony standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"don't worry Stark, I was just leaving. I just wanted to see how she was doing for myself."

Tony hangs his head. "I've never seen her look at someone like that. I heard what she said to you through your mind. When Bruce was scanning her memories, we heard it. But she doesn't remember, does she?"

Loki shakes his head no.

Tony looks at him. "Well, she wouldn't have said it if she didn't mean it." He sticks his hands in his pockets and walks out without another word.

Loki glances back at you. He sends a message to your mind, "I love you too darling."

The next day Bruce decides to move you into a bed down in the infirmary instead of the lab.

"You will be more comfortable down there Serenity. It won't be like being in a fishbowl anymore."

You give him a small smile while he pushes some pain meds through your IV to prepare you for the move. After a few minutes he checks on you to see if you are out enough.

"Alright guys let's get her moved." Steve, Clint, Bucky, and Sam grab the sheet from under you and slowly move you to the gurney. Your face winces with pain but only for a moment.

With concern in his voice Tony says, "I think she can feel it, Bruce."

Bruce looks at your face which has returned to its calm state. "She's okay Tony. That's her body's natural response to the pain but she isn't feeling it," he replies.

Tony nods with a sigh.

They slowly wheel you through the hall toward the infirmary. Wanda and Nat have put all your favorite things around the bed. Wanda quickly fluffs your pillow, and she sees the gurney enter the room.

"Is she okay," Nat asks.

Clint replies "she's alright. Let's just get her moved so she can sleep comfortably."

The guys once again lift the sheet with you on it and slowly set you on the bed.

Wanda and Nat rush over to straighten you up and make you comfortable. They cover you with the blankets and leave you alone to sleep.

Tony and Bruce are the last ones left in the room.

Bruce grabs Tony's shoulder, "she'll be more comfortable here Tony. I can still see all her vitals. She will be fine."

Tony nods and pats Bruce on the back.

Tony turns off the lights and leaves the room to let you sleep.

But the peace doesn't last long that night.

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