Chapter 26

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2 months have passed. You are almost completely healed from your injuries and feel like your old self again. Minus the fact that everyone treats you as if you are a bomb waiting to go off. "Every day it's the same questions, "how are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need anything? How can I help you?" I feel like a child around everyone. I know it was touch and go for a while but I'm better now. I just want one normal day." Everyone argues on how they should try to reactivate your powers; everyone has an opinion, but no one even asks yours.

This particular day started off fairly well. You woke up with Loki next to you. You quietly slipped out of bed and gofor a run. Alone with your thoughts for 3 miles. It felt like heaven. On the run you thought about Loki. You know he's doing everything to support you and wants to help in any way that he can. But he still acts like he is going to hurt you when he touches you. All you want is for him to throw you on the bed and make you his.

"I've been trying not to push him," you think, "but damn it I want to feel like a normal woman again."

You enter the compound and can hear arguing echo from the training room. You slowly walk toward the entrance but stay out of sight to hear what everyone is talking about.

"Tony, I think she's ready to start training again, she seems a lot better," Nat says.

Steve shakes his head in disagreement. "We need to take it slow. We don't need a repeat of a few years ago or even what happened in the infirmary."

Clint argues, "come on Steve that's not fair. The infirmary was caused by trauma and the blast a 7 years ago was because her powers were brand new. At least give her the option. I mean come on."

Everyone continues to argue.

You can feel anger burning inside of you. "How dare they have a meeting about me in secret. They are treating me like a child. That's it. I'm done with this." You storm into the training room.

Everyone stops talking and smiles in your direction.

"Oh, no, please don't stop talking about me just because I walked into the room."

Tony's smile quickly fades

"I'm done with this. I'm sick of everyone treating me like I'm a china doll that's going to bust. I appreciate everything you all have done for me but I'm better now. I am fully capable of speaking for myself and making my own decisions."

"Serenity," Tony tries to cut you off.

"No dad. I love you but you're the worst one of all of them. You treat me like your 5-year-old princess. I'm a grown woman. If I want to do something I don't have to ask your permission. Jesus Christ, treat me with a little dignity at least."

You are so in the moment you don't even realize that your hands have started glowing.

Tony interrupts you again, "Serenity stop."

You just laugh and roll your eyes. You continue yelling. "I'm begging all of you to please treat me the way you did before I was taken. I don't even remember most of what happened that week. I want to get back to a normal life. I want to be able to laugh and have fun with everyone and not walk on eggshells just to save face."

Loki emerges from the crowd, "Darling listen..."

You cut him off, "and there he is. My knight in shining armor. Loki, I thought our relationship was really starting to go somewhere but that can't happen when you are afraid to touch me. Stop treating me like this innocent little princess who might break."

Your eyes are now burning with red flames and tears roll down your face. Nat's eyes move from you and focus on the bench levitating behind you. She nudges Loki who now sees it.

"Get her to calm down Loki," she whispers

Loki pushes through everyone and takes you by the hands.

"Serenity," he yells, "look"

He turns you around so you can see the levitating bench. You look down at your hands and see that they are glowing. You can feel your heart racing. You look up at Loki through the tears and the glow begins to fade. The bench slowly returns to the floor. You quickly run out of the room.

"Well," Sam says, "her powers are back. At least she didn't break anything."

Loki cuts his eyes at him.

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