Chapter 11

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You wake up a few hours later hooked up to all of Bruce's monitors. You look around and see Tony waiting at the foot of your bed. "Hey there nugget. How are you feeling."

"Terrified." The only word that makes sense right now.

"I know. But you don't need to be. You are stronger than all of us put together. You will be ready before he ever even breaks the atmosphere."

Bruce walks in "I am all done collecting samples Serenity, you can go if you like."

you nod your head yes and start back toward your room.

Once you close the door you collapse to the floor crying hysterically. "Why now. I am finally feeling like a good person and then this. I can't do this. I just can't."

"Oh, but you can." You look up to see Loki walking toward you from across the room. He sits on the floor and wraps you in his arms.

"You are indestructible love. No one can ever defeat you. Including me, remember? We will continue training and you will be ready."

You look up at him still crying.

"Please stop crying darling. I can't see those beautiful eyes because of all of the tears." He wipes the tears from your face and tucks your hair behind your ears.

You begin to think to yourself. "What if this is our last opportunity? What if this is the last normal day we ever have."

"No! stop that. You can think like that."

"Damnit Loki stop reading my mind," you give him a little push and a half smile.

He pulls your chin toward his face. "But you are correct. What if this is our last opportunity? I will make you mine before this planet ends."

He quickly starts kissing you. You can feel the passion from deep inside of him. The feeling that he cares about you.

He scoops you off the floor and you wrap your legs around his waist. He lays you gently on the bed, never losing the hold his lips have on yours. You start running your fingers through his hair and he starts removing your clothes one item at a time. He kisses your neck and bites your exposed shoulder. You moan with excitement and delight. He stops to look at you. "I need you to say it."

"What," you reply with a puzzled look.

"I need to hear the words come out of your mouth before we go any further."

You smile and lock eyes "make me yours Loki."

In that moment he snaps, and your clothes are gone. Leaving you exposed to his desire. He makes his way down your body. Just like in your dream. He kisses your thighs softly and then in one swift motion his tongue is licking you. He makes you feel things you never have. You moan with delight. "Loki," you sigh.

He lifts his head and returns to your face. "Ooh, I quite like the sound of that. My name on your lips. Perfection."

You can feel him growing harder. He finally snaps his fingers, and his clothes are gone. You can see every muscle in his body. Feel every inch of him at last. You make love so passionately that you forget the past entirely. You can feel yourself reaching climax.

"Loki... I'm gonna..."

He smiles and bites your lip. "Do it my pet." Before you know it every inch of you is squirming. Not long after he reaches his as well. He collapses down on the bed next to you. For once in your life your mind is empty. Focusing only on him and nothing more.

You turn over to look at him. He locks eyes with you and you both just gaze into each other's eyes for a while.

You nestle your head onto his chest and drift to sleep. You wake up a few hours later and he still has his arms around you. A feeling you could get used to.

"Loki," you say softly.

"Yes, my darling," he replies, running his fingers through your hair.

"What's going to happen?"

He takes a deep breath and replies 'well love you are going to kill Thanos and then we are going to live happily ever after."

You smile with his answer. You both drift off into a deep sleep for the rest of the night.

The next morning you wake up to find yourself alone in bed. You lie there remembering the adventure from the night before and wishing you could relive it every day. You finally get out of bed and head down to the training center where Wanda and Vision are already waiting for you.

"Good morning, Miss Serenity," Vision says with his usual calm demeanor.

"Good morning, guys," you reply, "what's the plan for today?"

Wanda looks at you with a confused look. "Are you alright? You seem different today."

You take a big gulp as you remember she can read minds too. "Yeah, I'm fine,'' you reply. "Just this Thanos stuff weighing on my mind I guess." You try to shrug off her concern.

"Okay," she replies, "well let's head outside."

Once outside you see everyone there looking ready to fight and all eyes are on you.

"What's going on," you say nervously.

Tony walks up and explains "today is the day we put your powers to the true test. You have been training for months now and we think you are ready for a fake but real battle using your powers and strength."

You look at everyone's faces and then see Loki smiling back at you as he undresses you with his eyes.

"I have to fight everyone?"

Tony nods "you can do this nugget. You're ready."

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