Chapter 35

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A few days pass and for the most part you have kept yourself locked in your room. With every meal you make your plate and then walk onto the balcony to eat alone. Tony tries relentlessly to speak to you but you ignore every word. You can't help but blame him for Loki leaving.

One day you are in the training center using the punching bags when Tony walks in.

"I assume you are imagining the bag is my face."

you look at him for one second and then resume punching the bag.

"Nugget please talk to me."

You stop and glare at him. "Talk to you about what dad. The fact that you beat the man I love or that you sent him packing back to Asgard? which topic would you prefer?"

"Loki willingly went back to Asgard. and besides he will be back in like 3 weeks, I think you can survive without him always by your side."

You scoff, "what if it was you and mom huh? How would you have felt if your father sent her away without any concern for your feelings?"

He hangs his head and looks back at you with sadness in his eyes.

"Okay you've made your point. I hate that you only bring her up when you need to make a valid argument."

You give a small smile, "well she was the only one who kept your head on straight."

He walks up and hugs you. "I am sorry for what I did nugget. please forgive me."

You look up at him with tears streaming down your face and give him a nod.

Steve walks in with a laugh, "as much as i hate to interrupt the family reunion, Serenity, you have a call from asgard in the comms room."

Your face lights up and you take off running for the communication room. You walk in to see Loki projected in front of you.

"There's my goddess," he says with a smile.

You grin back at him. "how's it going? Are you ready to come back?"

"Soon my love, soon. I have a few things left to figure out here and then I will be back."

"Well hurry up. I never realized how boring this place was when you aren't here to keep me entertained," you say with a wink.

He laughs and glances up and down your body. "perfection."

you smile and shake your head. "I love you Loki. Please hurry back to me."

"I'll be back before you know it darling. I love you too, my goddess." the call cuts off.

4 weeks have passed since Loki left. He calls you every other day to check in on you.

"Will you tell Thor to keep it down. he's interrupting our call," you say laughing

Loki smiles back at you. "Well my goddess, I have some news to share with you."

"Oh yeah?"

Loki nods, "we will be coming back to Midgard tomorrow."

Your eyes light up and your smile grows, "you're coming back tomorrow?"

"Yes, my love. By this time tomorrow I will have you in my arms and in bed."

You smile and cover your face with embarrassment. "Loki, Nat and Steve are on the other side of the room listening."

They both stand there laughing at what they just heard.

Nat smiles, "we didn't hear anything."

Steve shakes his head and laughs.

You look back at Loki, your eyes glowing green as you look at him. "I can't wait to have you back."

"clearly," he says with a smirk. "your eyes give everything away my love."

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

Loki nods, "see you tomorrow my goddess."

The call cuts off and you look at Nat and Steve who are just smiling at you. "Please never mention to my dad anything you just heard."

Steve nods, "I dont even know what you are talking about." he winks at you as he leaves the room.

Nat grabs you by the hand. "I have a great idea. why don't we get you all dolled up to show loki what he's been missing. Hair, nails, the works."

You smile and nod at her, "let's do it."

The next day Nat takes you to her favorite salon. You get fresh highlights, a trim, blowout, facial, mani/pedi and makeup.

"While I appreciate the enthusiasm Nat, this seems like a little much."

"We are simply showing him the beautiful woman you really are," she smiles at you.

That evening you are standing on your balcony watching the sunset, patiently waiting for the bifrost to appear in the lawn.

Suddenly you hear a voice from behind you. "my word. will you look at that."

You turn around to see Loki slowly advancing toward you while he examines you from top to bottom.

"Oh my god," you run and jump into his arms. He pulls you in for a deep kiss.

"Yes, I am your god."

He lifts you off the floor and wraps your legs around his waist as he kisses you and walks over to the bed. He lays you back as his hands run over your body. He looks at you with a smile.

"I simply don't have the patience for this." He snaps his fingers and your clothes have disappeared. You two share the most passionate night that you've had in almost a year.

You lay on the pillow studying Loki's face as he gazes into your eyes.

"Something the matter my love?"

You trace his face with your fingers and shake your head. "No. Just making sure you were the same Loki."

He kisses your nose. "I am back to my usual self, dear. I promise I will never hurt you again."

You roll your body on top of him and sit on his chest; teasing him with a kiss as you hit him in the face with a pillow.

He looks at you stunned.

"That was for leaving me for a month," you kiss him softly and whisper, "and that was for coming back."

Loki smiles, "Now my pet, why did you have to go and do that?"

He flips you back onto the bed and crawls on top of you. "I've told you to not start things you can't finish."

He pins you arms down and starts kissing you jokingly all over the face. He tickles you as he tries to hold you down. You start laughing hysterically.

He stops and looks into your eyes with a beaming smile, "I forgot how contagious your laugh was."

He kisses you again as he wraps you into his arms and you both drift off to sleep.

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