Chapter 36

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The next morning you and Loki walk hand-in-hand to the kitchen where everyone is already enjoying breakfast.

"Lady serenity," Thor says as he reaches for a hug.

You smile, "welcome back Thor."

Sam looks over to Loki, " we were beginning to think Thor came back alone. Should've known that Serenity was throwing you a personal welcome party."

You laugh and shake your head at him.

Tony walks into the room and sees you and Loki holding hands.

"Serenity, reindeer games, can you meet me in the lab? I need to speak with both of you."

You nod at him as he retreats to the lab.

"Uh-oh, the princess protection program is back in business," Bucky laughs.

You and Loki walk into the lab where Tony signals for you both to sit.

"Um, I guess I owe you both an apology." he says as he runs his hand across his face.

"Loki, I'm sorry for beating the shit of you and sending you back to Asgard. Serenity I'm sorry for making you have to live without that for a month," he points toward Loki.

You look at Loki who looks back at you and then focuses on Tony. "All is forgiven Stark."

you smile at Loki.

"Alright well that was all I had, you two go back to your regularly scheduled day."

You stand to leave but Loki grabs your hand. "Actually Stark, I was wondering if you and I could talk in private."

Your face turns to shock and concern. You look over to Tony who is looking at Loki with confusion.

Loki grabs your face, "my love if you don't mind giving your father and I some privacy I would truly appreciate it."

You look at Tony and then back to Loki. "Okay," you say in a worried tone, "but if I hear any fighting I will personally punch you both into next week."

Loki smiles and kisses you as you leave.

Once Loki is sure you are gone he turns to Tony nervously.

"Why do I feel like I know what you're about to ask reindeer games?"

"Stark, my feelings for your daughter are no secret. Now I'm not one to ask permission but I know she would never agree without your blessing. Will you allow me to marry your beautiful daughter?"

Tony looks down at the ground and then back up to Loki with a half smile. "I may not be the biggest fan of you, but I can see how much she loves you. It actually feels a lot like her mother and i's relationship. Her father wasn't a fan of mine either but he agreed to let me marry her anyway. So I guess to keep the tradition going I will agree. But don't make me regret it."

Loki smiles back, "never." He turns to leave and Tony just smiles.

Back in the main living room you are sitting with Nat and Wanda pondering what Loki and Tony could be talking about.

"Well I haven't heard glass breaking yet so I'm guessing it's going well," Nat says.

Loki enters the room and you get up and walk over to him, closely inspecting him.

"Well you look to be in one piece."

He laughs and kisses your forehead.

"Are you going to tell me what that was all about?"

He shakes his head, "we just needed to work it out man-to-man."

You squint your eyes at him. "Hmm, I don't think I like this."

He smiles and pulls you in for a kiss, "all in due time my sweet."

A week or so passes and you can sense that Loki is keeping a secret. He makes lots of phone calls and keeps his messages hidden from your view.

One day you are lying on the couch watching a movie when his phone buzzes. He picks it up and quickly looks at the message before putting it back down.

He sits up on the couch, "go pack a bag my love."

"What," you ask confused.

"Just follow directions with any questions," he says leaning in for a kiss.

You look at him trying to read his face. "Okay," you reply with hesitation.

You walk up to your room and start packing a bag, Loki walks in behind you to throw a few things of his into the bag.

"Exactly how long am I packing for?"

"Let's pack enough for 8 days," he says with a smile.

"Wow okay. I hope I have enough underwear," you say jokingly.

"Don't pack any on my behalf, they just get in my way," he winks at you as he walks out.

The next morning you walk into the living room, bags in hand as you wait on Loki.

"So I hear he's taking you on a vacation. Any idea where," Wanda asks from across the room.

"I have no idea, he's kept it a secret."

Loki walks in the room, "All will be revealed shortly."

He takes you by the hand and walks you outside. "Where's the car?"

He smiles, "We don't need a car where we are going my love. Hold onto me tightly."

Your eyes widen and you grab on to him.

"Heimdall," he yells and the bifrost transports you to Asgard.

You stumble from dizziness as your eyes adjust from the flash.

"Are you alright darling," he asks with a small laugh.

You push his arm and smile, "I'm fine."

You look around at the beauty of Asgard and are in shock. "Hmm, speechless. That's a new one," Loki laughs.

"Keep it up Mr. Mischief," you say smiling back with your eyes squinted.

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