After being away for a week she was feeling much better even if she knew that it wouldn't last for long. She was currently sitting curled on the chair in the living room reading a book. Kol came and sat next to her. he pulled her to sit on his lap. She closed the book turning towards him. "What are you doing?"

 "Getting my time with my wife knowing my sisters are going to kidnap you when we get back." Kol knew how his sisters could be and as soon as they got back they were definitely going to try and steal all of her attention. So while he had it to himself he was going to enjoy it.

"No, they aren't." She didn't think that they were that bad although she did prefer them to her own sisters except Cami of course. 

"They most definitely are." He leaned down starting to kiss her neck. And while he was happy that his sisters loved his wife he wanted his time with her.

Elena groaned lowly she did not want him getting her all hot and bothered right now. "Kol."

He pulled away slightly adjusting her on his lap he was very much enjoying riling her up at the moment. "Yes, darling?"

"What are you doing?" She knew exactly what he was doing but she didn't like that he was teasing her

"Nothing" He started to suck down on her neck making a moan emit from her mouth.

"Liar." She didn't like that he had just begun touching her and already she was breathless.

He moved from her neck to kiss her. She wrapped her arm around him depending the kiss.

He pulled away leaning his head against hers. "I was thinking how about we go test the hot tub out."

She chuckled slightly the hot tub was looking nice right now. "Is this your way of trying to get hot tub sex?"



Jenna was sitting in her room when there was a knock at the door. She was contemplating what she was going to say to her sister when she saw her. "Come in."

Esther opened the door looking at her she had made sure that no one else knew Miranda was in the house. "I have your sister."

"Alright." She got up following her to a room that looked more like a conference room. She wasn't sure exactly what she was going to say but she knew she wanted answers.

"I am going to leave you two to talk." Esther knew the two sisters had a lot they needed to discuss.

"Thank you." Jenna watched as Esther left the room closing the door. She stood standing looking at her sister she wanted her answers and she wanted them now.

"You wanted me here?" Miranda hadn't been sure why Esther had wanted her there considering what had happened with Elena but seeing her sister it made more sense.

"Your children want nothing to do with you." Jenna wanted to understand why she had done it. Why she had just left them as she did? "Did you think of what you abandoning them would do to them before you did it?"

"You wouldn't understand." Miranda knew she had made some mistakes not fighting for her kids being the biggest one of them all.

"Understand what i knew that you wanted to help people but you could have still done that and been there for your children." Jenna knew her sister she knew that she wanted to make the world a better place and she knew she could have done it while still being around them. She was angry that she had hurt them like this that she had just let them all believe that she died. "Instead letting everyone think that you had died was the better solution. How was that better?"

"It wasn't." She scoffed trying to reign in her temper she knew her sister was just protecting them but she didn't know the entire story. She didn't know everything and she hated that she was just excusing her without knowing what had happened. "You think I wanted to just leave them is that really what you think of your own sister."

Jenna shrugged she wasn't sure what to think all she knew was everyone had thought she was dead and here she was alive. "I don't know what to think the sister I knew would have never abandoned her kids."

"And I still wouldn't I wasn't given a choice." Miranda wanted to be in their lives and she wished she had fought harder to be. BUt she wasn't given a choice in the matter help people or be a mother and a queen. "Jenna, i wished i could have taken them with me but i wasn't given a choice."

Jenna sat down next to her sister she was unsure of what her sister was talking about. "What are you talking about?"

"I wanted to help i was going to trade off with him he didn't want that if i wanted to help people then i wasn't allowed near my children." She wanted them so badly and having to just walk away was the hardest thing she had ever done. She hoped Grayson would regret it and let her come back but he had moved on and had another daughter with his wicked wife. "I wanted so badly to be there for them Jen but i couldn't just abandon everyone else. I hoped that he would raise them right and that they would be ok. But-"

Jenna nodded she knew what she was going to say. Grayson had tried to reign Elena in but she was just like her mother. "Elena acts just like you if she can help she is going to choose that over pretty much anything else."

"Yeah and apparently he wasn't able to keep an eye on her and ensure she was ok." Despite her not being there for her children she did keep an eye on her she knew Elena could handle herself. She also knew that she cared about her kingdom and the people who were in it. 

"He wasn't he couldn't handle her she was sneaking out she was getting to know her people. He tried to make her into the perfect daughter but she's too much like you Miranda she wants everyone to be ok she wants everyone to have a fair chance." Jenna knew her niece was capable of great things no matter who had raised her she had proven that she was going to do what was right for everyone. "And at some point he lost the fight with her she was ready to give it all up for love and didn't care about the kingdom she had found someone who had the same views as she did and that wanted what she did and she was going to give it all up."

"And he realized that he had lost her just as he did me." Miranda knew that had to be karma for him he had wanted to prevent Elena from becoming like her but they were exactly alike.

Jenna knew that her brother-in-law was not happy when Elena was ready to give up the crown for love. While it did work in their favor he knew long before she decided that his daughter wanted to be in love. And to help and she was going to get it one way or another. "Until he had turned out to be the prince and it turned out that she would still get the throne after all at least."

"I wish he could have been like that for me to understand what I wanted to do and why. " Miranda knew that it could have simply been because he had a soft spot for Elena or because he knew it was a losing battle. 

"If he couldn't be like that he wasn't meant for you and that was his loss." Jenna wish she would have known the truth of what had really happened. She didn't think it was fair to her niece or her nephew they deserved to know what their father did. "He turned them against you and now you have to tell them what had happened."

Miranda shook her head she didn't want to put that on her children and make them choose between which parent they wanted and which they didn't."They are not going to listen to me and i couldn't do that to them leave them with all that confusion."

"You have to Miranda." Jenna didn't think this was fair to her they were adults they could handle it and it wasn't like they were the biggest fan of Grayson anyways.

"No Jenna i can't and you can't either."  She refused to do it to her kids she wouldn't it was better as things were. 

"You can't let them hate you forever they deserve to know what he did." They hated their mother because their father forced her to leave and they deserved to know that. 

"What is that going to change then suddenly they hate him instead of me what does that really change." Suddenly they would hate their father the one that had raised them or one of them.  

"it changes the fact that now they have a parent who truly cares about them for more than their title." Which Jenna knew was what they the both of them really needed.

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