22 - RUN

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okay I'm gonna start off by saying I am so sorry for not updating for months... I didn't expect this story is blow up like this 🤕



She didn't know where she was; she just knew she had to run. The tall, dark trees surrounded her as her bare feet slammed against the muddy floor, running through the forest as her dirty, white dress flowed through the wind. She couldn't breathe properly, she wanted to stop and catch her breath but she knew that if she did; she'd be dead.

Her head was pounding in pain.

She couldn't remember anything.

Why was she running?

Who was she running from?

What was the purpose of running?

Why was she in this white dress?

The only thing causing her to sprint was the pestering voice following her, the loud footsteps of the boy chasing after her.

"What shall I do when I catch you? Maybe I should cut your stomach open again or maybe even cut your leg open, then play with your organs~ sounds fun doesn't it? ~"


"Just give up, its no use. No matter where you go I won't be far, I'll always be around the corner, waiting for you, watching your every move; I'll be three steps ahead of you."


Red blood dropped down onto her chin, she lifted up her shaking hand towards it.

She remembered

"I fell down the stairs, fuck."

she looked behind her, her legs still running as she did so, seeing Kenma with a knife, running after her, not stopping for a second to catch his breath.

Her eyes lit up as she saw a road in between two parts of the forest, in which she was running towards. A vehicle light caught her attention; a truck. A particularly large man was driving it, bobbing his head to a rhythm, probably listening to music.

She opened her mouth, waving her arms left and right, screaming at the stop of her lungs, "HELP!!!!!! FUCKING HELP ME!!!!"

She managed to caught his attention, seeing that he had stopped, slamming on the brakes and swinging open the door, revealing a ginger man with a long beard, turning off the loud rock music he was playing.

A smile was plastered across her face, she stopped running, quickly climbing up the small flight of stairs to speak to the man in the truck.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't have much time, this man who's kidnapped chasing me with a knife, I'm begging you please call the police, I'm the missing the girl, [name]-"

Her mouth dropped open, watching as a bullet shot right in between the man's eyebrows, missing her by an inch. She flinched, falling back from the stairs, a loud thud echoed through the empty forest; the sound of her falling into the floor, right on her head once again.

 OBSESSION  - YANDERE! KENMA Where stories live. Discover now