3 - being followed

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She had a feeling, a feeling she didn't like. She didn't feel like she was alone. Her gut kept telling her to turn around, make sure she wasnt being followed

Her worst nightmare; being stalked. It made her feel unsafe and anxious. Something felt different ever since she went to her new school, she would always feel a set of eyes on her anywhere she went. Was she just being paranoid? She couldn't tell..... Was someone really following her? She hoped not.

[Name] walked back from school, taking the long way as she went through the park, ignoring the feeling she had in her gut, listening to music to distract herself.

You're safe

You're fine

No one is following you...

"You're going to turn left and feed the ducks your leftovers from lunch,"


He sat a bench, his hood up as for her not to see her. She turned left, pulling out her leftover sandwich from lunch, boom. He was correct. She started to feed the ducks, smiling as they munched on her lunch.

He had noted down everything she did after, during and before school.

I'm not creepy, I'm just making sure she's safe, he told himself, standing up cautiously as he started to follow her home.

She lived in a two-story house, with flowers in the front yard and a cute swing hanging from the tree, she pulled out her keys and entered her house, hoping that the feeling of being watched would fade away but it was still lingering on her, even in the safety of her home. She decided to take a nap to feel better, she headed upstairs, leaving the downstairs empty as her mother wasn't home. She worked all day until midnight.

Kenma turned around, about to head home but he had an idea, it was extremely risky but He was going to risk that for her.

He looked both ways before heading towards the door, pulling out a hairpin. He made sure no was around before moving the pin around in the lock, the door soon unlocking swiftly.

He sniffed, taking in the scent of her house filling his lungs, He could feel the excitement in his guts, he was in her house, this was risky and he loved it. Every single bit of it.

His legs were shaking, his heart was beating as fast as ever and his mouth was drooling as he walked around her house, noticing a glass of water, that was still cold.

She definitely drank this before she went upstairs.... He thought, grabbing the cup.

She had touched this cup, better yet, her lips have been on that cup, he licked the cup slightly, where the markings of her lips had been left on it due to her lip gloss she wore.

He puts his lips on the cup, licking it at the same time, "I kissed her....," he giggled, as if he just had his first kiss.

"We're dating now...." he whispered, the drool falling onto the floor

He carefully walked over to the kitchen, opening up a cabinet and pulling out a knife, he started to slowly walk upstairs. [Name] was sleeping on her bed, her phone next to her and her bag next to her bed.

A knife was brought to her face, slowly carressing her face with the sharp part of the knife, leaving a slight cut, he gasped

"Oh, no... It seems my pretty [name]~chan has a cut....," he whispered, frowning

Her eyes were fluttered shut, her beautiful eyelashes captivating her, he lightly touched her lips, her lip gloss still fresh.

He leaned in to kiss her, but he stopped when he was only an inch away.

He couldn't kiss her, he had to save it for a special to me only, when she was awake and 'in love' with him. He stood up, "don't worry, my dear [name]~chan, one day you'll finally kiss me," he purred, kissing her hand before dropping it.

He searched around her room, hoping she wouldn't wake up or anyone would come home. He didn't find anything special, just normal stuff you'd find in a teenage girls' room; pads, Jellwery, notebooks and pencils.

His eyes lit up as he found her clothing draw, picking her one of her shorts, brining them to his nose to sniff them. He shoved them inside his pocket, satisfied with what he had stolen.

Kenma walked over to the bathroom in her room, pulling out the knife he stole and cutting his hand, blood slowly rolling out of the thin cut, landing on the sink.

He poked his finger inside, slowly beginning to write a message underneath her sink, a smile on his face


His handwriting wasn't the best but it was readable, he quickly yet carefully walked out of the room, making sure she was truly alseep before heading out of house, making sure every trace of him was gonna apart from the message and the blood.

[Name] finally woke up, her eyes scanning her room. Something..... Felt different. She felt like someone had gone through her room, a gloomy feeling over her was saying so.

She shook her head, heading to the bathroom to wash her face, looking up at herself.

"A cut....?"

She didn't remember accidentally cutting herself, or leaving blood on the sink. "Whatever...." she muttered, wiping the blood off the sink and taking care of her cut

Was she just being paranoid or was there someone else in the house while she was sleeping?

"I'm just being paranoid, right?"

 OBSESSION  - YANDERE! KENMA Where stories live. Discover now