5 - innocent plan

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Kenma couldn't contain his excitement, his leg was shaking in joy as he sat down in his room, waiting for the doorbell to ring. She was going to be in his house, he was drooling at the thought of it, he had everything planned out. He had the chloroform on the tissue and food to distract her.

He heard the doorbell ring, his brown eyes lit up, immediately jumping up from his bed, running downstairs to the door. He calmed down, wiping the drool off his face and refraining himself from shaking his legs.

[Name] smiled as the door opened, revealing kenma with his hair in a bun, he nodded at her, letting her into his house.

She kept her friendly expression plastered on her face, despite the creepy vibe she got from both kenma and his house, she felt very unsafe around his neighborhood and especially in his house, but she had to right to say that aloud, especially to someone she considered a friend.

"So, where are we studying?" she asked, taking off her shoes and putting on my fluffy slippers, playing her sneakers at the side of the door.

"My room."

".. Okay." she hesitated to say her response, quite wary of the way he said it, she followed him up, looking at the photos of his parents and him as a child up on a the wall.

She frowned at the photos of him as a child. He looked lifeless and a empty look in his eyes, he still had the same look but when he looked at her his eyes lit up slightly.

"What are you looking at."

[Name] flinched, turning around, being met with kenma staring at her right in face, "I'm sorry, I was just looking at your baby photos... You look very cute in them," she complimented, smiling at him.

"Thanks. My room is here." he ushered her inside his room, she stepped inside, sitting on his bed.

His room was nothing special, it had a walk-in closet, a single bed with a couple of photos on the wall and maybe a few posters.

She sniffed slightly, there was a strange smell that she didn't like, it smelt horrible. It smelt like a dead body, she decided to ignore it, breathing through her mouth quietly instead.

"Alright! Let's study." she opened up her backpack, pulling out a bunch of books and notebooks with pens, laying them out on the bed. He nodded, picking a pencil and opening up a science studybook.

It was working as he planned, she had entered his room and they were now studying, after a few mintues the main part of the plan would start.

After a few mintues had past of studying together, kenma finally looked up, shifting in his placement on the bed, "would you like a snack?" he watched as the girl looked at him, dropping her pen on the paper

"Yes please, anything will be fine with me. I'm not that picky."

The pudding haired boy stood up, walking down and grabbing cookies with milk, stuffing a tissue inside his pocket, walking back up to [name] waiting for him in his room.

 OBSESSION  - YANDERE! KENMA Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt