23 - cabin in the woods

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(A kinda??? long chapter to make up for me disappearing for months :)



"can I help you.....?"


Silence filled the air as [name] stared into his black eyes, getting lost in then for a quick moment. She shook her head, snapping back to reality as she looked up and down at the boy.

He had black hair that was wavy, his eyes were relaxed, his mouth fixed into a frown and he had two perfectly placed moles on the right side of his forehead.

His eyebrow raised, "are you in danger?"


"Ah, sorry."

He realised he was 6'2, he bent down slightly to her as she wasn't that short where he had to crouch, "I said are you in danger." he whispered in her ear, before going back to his original height, almost hitting his head of the door.

"Uh... I don't know?"

She shrugged, twisting her mouth. He akwardly nodded, looking around. "You look like someone familiar, like a missing person." he gasped.

His eyes wondered around her body, not in a dirty way, but he noticed the dirt, the blood and the injuries she had on her, especially the blood rushing down her ripped white dress, covered in dirt. "Your leg." he pointed to her clave, crouching down and turning her around by her waist, revealing the stab wound that was gaping.

"Should I call the ambulance? Have you ran away from an abusive home, a kidnapping or a domestic abuse situation?"

"No, please don't call anyone. The hospital bills will be too expensive." she waved her hand at him as he stood up, allowing her to turn around.

He stared at her for a second, unsure of what to do with her. He couldn't call the ambulance because she didn't have enough money for bills, nor did he and she refused to tell her what happened.

"At least let me wrap your inquires, you'll die of blood loss at this rate."

[Name] looked around at the cabin behind him, making sure he wasn't done axe killer. She shrugged and entered his cabin, being met with hot air, filling up her body and she shivered slightly at the new feeling.

The boy had a gray couch, with a few blankets at the end, along with a coffee table and a tv placed perfectly in front of the couch.

She turned around, limping slightly, "do you want me to sit on the floor or....?" she asked, pointing to the floor.

He stared at her for a second, shutting the door of the cabin, "no? Why would I want you to sit on the floor?" he asked, visible concern in his tone.

[Name] shook her head, emmbarrassed.

"Take a seat on the couch, I'll clean the blood up later." he ushered her over, placing her down by her waist and grabbing a first aid kit from the kitchen, before jogging back, opening the kit up.

He grabbed the edge of her long dress, that was covering the stab wound, "do you mind if I?"he ushered to pull up her skirt slightly to her knee.

"Yeah, sure go ahead."

He folded the dress up to her knee, not to far to expose her, then proceeded to extend her leg over to the coffee table, twisting her leg around slightly, not too much to hurt her, so he could see the wound.

He cringed slightly at the blood dripping down on his carpet.

"I'm sorry." she muttered, her face facing the door as she had to twist her body around so he could see the wound, "it's fine. Don't be sorry."

"You're going to need stitches, it'll hurt a bit, I can give you something to bite down into if you like," he offered her a wooden spoon, turning around to find his stitching set.

"Thank you." she whispered, putting the spoon in her mouth the second she felt a pinch in her wound. It wasn't her first time getting stitches so she didn't scream as much, after all, she did get her stomach cut open once and her eye cut out too.

"So... What happened to your eye?" he asked as he stitched her wound, slight whimpers coming out her lips as she removed the spoon from her mouth, "nothing." she put the spoon back in, waiting for him to finish.

"Okay. I'm done. You're good as new," he stood up, putting her leg back into its normal position,"if you don't mind me asking what's your name?" [name] said, sitting up.

"Sakusa, sakusa kiyoomi."

Kenma limbed around the parking lot of a nearby supermarket that was closed, the dark sky surrounding him. He grunted as he put down his left leg, that had a knife sticking out of it.

"You bitch. That bitch...."

He saw a man walking towards his car, jiggling his keys in his hands as he whistled, not paying any attention to the limping boy coming towards him slowly. The man spun around to his car door, getting ready to unlock it.

Kenma bit his bottom lip as he pulled out the knife from his upper thigh, the blood rushing out at an alarming rate. The man in front of him screamed in pain as kenma slowly dug the knife through his neck, slitting it. Blood bursted out of his neck, splattering all over the car windows, covering them in blood and blood only.

Kenma gasped, a smile plastered across his face as he looked around, making sure no one was there to witness it report what he had done. He threw the man onto the floor, taking his keys and his wallet, opening the car door and getting comfortable in the seat.

He saw a packet of tissues in the back of the car, which he took and desperately wrapped his wound with them, it wasn't going to help but that's all he could at the moment.

Kenma looked through the man's wallet, seeing at least ¥50 inside, he smiled.

A picture of the man's two daughters and his wife were there, him in the background as they smiled. Kenma shrugged, ripping the picture in half, "he's dead now so I don't think anyone will need this." he laughed, throwing the pieces of ripped paper in thr backseat, starting the car and driving on top of the man's dead body who he had just killed, a loud thud echoed through the air, as he drove away.

"Don't worry, my dear [name]~chan. I'll find you, just you wait."

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