1 - unhealthy obsession

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Kenma Kozume, the boy was definitely a strange one. He had an empty hole in his stomach that needed to be filled, all his life he wondered what that was. His creepy behavior started when he was in middle school, when he accidentally sat on his pet hamster while distracted.

At first, he was quite disgusted at the sight; the poor hamster's guts were all over the chair, the small black eyes had popped out, leaving the socket empty and the body was completely flat. His hands shook as he touched the guts, a small shaky smile appearing on his pale face. He wanted to feel that feeling more, the feeling of satisfaction and fear in himself. He asked his parents for a hunting knife for his birthday, they were quite concerned but they wanted to give him some freedom.

He soon became obsessed with killing animals, starting with his neighbor's dog. He didn't feel bad, he hated dogs anyway, he perfered cats over them. He killed spiders, frogs, butterflies and any animal he found when he was alone.

He never dared to tell anyone about this, not even his best friend Kuroo. He'd be seen as werid by everyone, he didn't want that.

I'm not werid, I just have werid habits, he told himself after killing each animal and putting them in a box with other animals he killed underneath his bed. He's always wanted to kill a human, he didn't think he was cable of doing that but the thought had always lingered at the back of his head.

Years had past, he was now in high school and had joined the volleyball Club, he also got into gaming to distract himself from killing animals.

"Kenma~" kurro cheered, covering his eyes as he was too focused on the game he was playing. "Move your hands, I'm trying to play," he ducked underneath his arms, continuing to play his game, kurro sulking as he hopped onto the seat, sitting next to kenma. "What's so special about that stupid game?" he huffed, tilting his head to see what game he was playing. The boy didn't answer, he kept on playing, keeping his head down.

[Name] had a bad feeling about her new school, a gut feeling that something terrifying would happen to her if she stepped foot into the school. But her mother worked hard to make sure she even got into this school, so instead of making a big deal about it, she walked into the school, shaking her hands nervously.

People were sat at tables, talking with their friends before their first classes started. She wanted to be early to class, so she took out her schedule to see what room it was in.


She span around to the two boys sitting on a bench, one playing a game and one staring at the boy in boredom.

"Uhm... Excuse me..." she spoke up finally, the black haired boy looks up, smiling that someone was finally talking to him instead of playing a game. The other boy didn't even look up, focusing on his game.

"Good Lord...." the taller one groaned, snatching the game out of his hand

"HEY!! Why would yo....." he stopped talking as he faced the girl standing in front of him, his face all of a sudden turning red, his hands becoming sweaty as his heart clenched due to it beating faster.

"I was going to ask where room 302 is," she pointed to her schedule, ignoring the stare the small boy was giving her.

"Ah, yes, just head upstairs and turn left, the 2nd room you see will be your classroom," kuroo said, the girl nodding as she thanked him, walking away.

 OBSESSION  - YANDERE! KENMA Where stories live. Discover now