Part 33 (A deal)

Beginne am Anfang

Y/N: "I missed you so much guys, are yall okay?" Every guard was nodding their heads and then you see your father on the living room on the left side.

Mr Woo: "Y/N" You take a few steps forwards and you smiled at him.

Y/N: "Hey father" He goes up to you immediately and hugs you without hesitation.

Mr Woo: "You don't know how much I missed you" You hugged him back and you feel him embracing you.

Y/N: "I missed you too father" You break the hug and you both turned around to see Yuta standing near to the door with Taehyung.

Mr Woo: "Come here my boy" Yuta hesitated a bit but he gave in and your father pulled him for a hug.

Mr Woo: "Thank you for taking care of her" Yuta hugged him back and he saw his lover smiling at them both happily.

Yuta: "It's nothing sir, I just really love your daughter" They break the hug and they were staring at each other.

Mr Woo: "You got my blessings my son" They were both smiling at each other and you decided to break the sweet moment.

Y/N: "Father, we have something to tell really important" He looks at you and he's smile faded away as he saw you looking at him with a serious look.

Mr Woo: "Well, let's take a seat and talk about it shall we?" You both agreed and you sat down to the sofa.

Mr Woo: "So, what do you want to talk about?"

Y/N: "It's about.." You bite your lip because, you was feeling very nervous and Yuta decided to speak for you.

Yuta: "It's about your wife sir and my mother" Your father looked at Yuta.

Mr Woo: "Go on" Yuta cleared his throat before he was speaking.

Yuta: "My parents were having an arrange marriage and their love was one sided, my father hated my mother and the fact she was raising me he wanted to get rid of her. And so he did, he made a plan to make a murder scene and he was the one who shot her, not your father in law"

Mr Woo: "I'm so sorry for your loss my boy, I really didn't know that your father could be so cruel"

Yuta: "Nobody did"

Mr Woo: "And what about my wife?" Yuta and you looked at each other and he gave you a permission to talk.

Y/N: "Mom died because Mr Nakamoto didn't want his son to suspect something" Your father's eyes widened.

Mr Woo: "What?" He couldn't believe of what he's ears was listening to, his loving wife and the mother of his child died for nothing but only for selfishness.

Yuta: "That's right and Mr Kim hates my family for that, that's why he wanted you two to hate each other"

Mr Woo: "And that's why he made a deal for you two. All he cares about is Diana and no one else" Everybody was silent and didn't dare to talk for a minute until your father broke it.

Mr Woo: "He will never stop it until we will kill each other" He looks down and he was sighing.

Yuta: "Father" He looks up and he stares at Yuta.

Yuta: "I'll help you anything just to get the justice for your wife and stop everything at all costs, my father took someone who was dearly for me and I never forgive him for that" There was another moment of silence until  Yuta's phone was buzzing. He looked at the call and he eye brow raised.

Yuta: "Lucas?"

Y/N: "Why is he calling you all of the the sudden?"

Yuta: "I don't know" He picked it up and put it on the speaker.

Yuta: "Lucas?" Lucas was trembling and sobbing from the cries and three of you were confused.

Yuta: "Lucas? What's wrong?"

Lucas: "Yuta, please help me" He was crying and sobbing and he sounded really panicking and Yuta started to worry.

Mr Moon: "Hello Yuta, how are you?" Yuta was feeling his rage.

Yuta: "You, leave him alone! He has nothing to do with us"

Mr Moon: "Are you sure about that? Because it seems like your little friend knows everything about us" Yuta's hands were shaking and Y/N grabbed his hand to calm him down.

Mr Moon: "Ohh and Y/N I know that your listening to me dear, if you want your friend to stay alive then come by to my office. We are waiting for you" He hangs up the phone and Yuta felt lost, his friend's life is in danger because of him and he feels like he's world is falling apart.

NCT Yuta FF Enemies To LoversWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt