Chapter 45

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"The truth is,in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system,then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more"-Michelle Obama

6 months later,
Things have been going smoothly for everyone, ya Ali and Faisal had finished their service, they are hopefully waiting for jobs because Abbu had given one of his friends their credentials. Ammi has joined mama in her charity foundation and they are now doing things together. Ameerah and her friends are now in 300 level, they are still struggling to achieve their goals for a good future, things have not been so well for karima, she fell ill so many times because of the pregnancy. Her big bump is very visible, 8 months along. She is recieving extra care from her husband, family and friends. One of her aunties even suggested she defer the first semester but she vehemently refused saying she would manage.

Ameerah had bought baby clothes, diapers, feeding bottles and other things for the baby. She just couldn't wait for karima's delivery. She had promised abdallah to take care of his wife in school, so she make sure karima eats very well during breaks, whenever she craves for something, it's just a call away, ameerah would order and wait for the snack delivery.

Ameerah's distance relationship with Humaid didn't affect anything, keeps getting stronger,he calls her everyday to make sure she's okay, gifts are always knocking at her door, she couldn't be more grateful. He is still taking things gently because he still hasn't said anything concerning their marriage. He wanted to make sure things are very perfect before he proceed to make things halal.

Royals medical center can now be classified as one of the best hospitals in kaduna. Uncle saif is really doing a great job, he had employed so many doctors and nurses after the hospital was opened. People troop in and out of the hospital day and night. The cleaners are also doing good because the hospital and it's surrounding is always sparkling, no dirts, no stains or litters. There is no light or water shortage, everything is available. And the doctors are very friendly because people make examples with royals doctors. Humaid gets weekly reports from Uncle saif, he is very proud of the achievements they've made in few months.

On a Saturday evening, ameerah decided to make some cookies. She brought out flour and other ingredients and set to work. Her phone rang as she was about to pour the chocolate chips, she checked and saw it was a video call from her boo bear. She smiled and quickly slid answer......

"Hey darling" he said when his face came in to view

"Hy boo.....good evening  she greeted smiling

"What about the bear? He asked and they laughed

" ....i can see you're in the kitchen, what are you preparing for us?

"Cookies....wanna eat some ?

" Of course yes, I love cookies.....are you done?

"No not yet, I'm about to bake them....just give me 30 minutes darling.... She was about to end the call when he quickly stopped her

" it's fine, let's bake together

"How's that possible sir?
She rolled her eyes

"Of course it's possible, just don't end the call, I'm bored here, so watching my darling bake would wipe off the boredom..... he said childishly

" Okay now you are behaving like a baby..... She said laughing and he tried to roll his eyes which made her laugh more

"I love you.... He said simply

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