Chapter 30

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"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you'd rather not"-Mark Twain


Today being a Friday, ameerah was glad she didn't have any lecture, so she stayed at home and cleaned her room, she arranged her clothes, her vanity table and everything in the room. She had just finished placing incense sticks on the holder...bilaal hasn't called...or maybe he just wants to surprise me as he always does.. she thought smiling
Her phone rang, she checked and saw it was bilaal, she quickly slid answer

"Hello captain...
She heard noises around and she didn't hear his voice.....

"Hello madam, am I speaking to captain bilaal's wife? A voice spoke

"Yes you are...she answered nervously because she was beginning to get impatient

"I am a soldier from NDA, And I am sorry to inform you that captain bilaal's plane crashed before reaching kaduna airport and.......




Ameerah's phone fell before the person could finish explaining....the only thing she understood was bilaal's plane has crashed... What? Bilaal? Her bilaal? No this is just impossible, he texted her few hours ago that he would arrive soon...but plane crash??but why?noo how comes? No this is not possible, it's not her bilaal that person was talking about, definitely not her bilaal...that person surely made a mistake....she tried convincing herself that the informant was wrong, maybe it's another plane, she stayed glued to one place when her phone rang again, she quickly picked it up and placed it on her ears. And the same voice spoke.
"Ma'am please kindly come to 44 military hospital.....

She clutched her phone and staggered out, she couldn't feel her legs but she at last found herself in the parlour....all her family members were in the living room, they looked up at her with shock written all over their faces, because they've never seen her in that situation...and the ameerah they know will never barge into somewhere without saying Salam...mama quickly stood up and held her because she was about to fall, Adil was sent to get a cup of water...while Abbu and ya Ali sat near her all terrified
"Ameerah what's wrong? Abbu asked first

Adil came back with a cup of water and ya Ali made her drink, she drank a little and pushed it away....Abbu asked her again.
She looked at her phone and stammered

"Abbu....they..said's bilaal...he ..he ...Abbu the plane......they said....

They were all confused, Abbu seemed to understand something because he collected her phone and dialed bilaal's number.....
After speaking for some minutes, he turned to look at his family with a shocked face....
He mustered courage and told them...
"They said bilaal's plane crashed in a small village before kaduna, no one survived but all their bodies were found...they said it was  smoke that killed them before the plane crashed.... And they have been taken to 44 military Ali let's go
They've informed his family too...kauthar get ready and go to bilaal's home
Abbu told mama before grabbing his key, he left with ya ali, and Adil. Meanwhile ameerah just sat there rooted to the chair, she just couldn't bring herself to believe everything that Abbu said... bilaal dead?
Her eyes were the only things that moved, she saw when Abbu took his key with ya Ali and adil trailing behind, she saw when mama ran upstairs and came down with a hijab, she felt it when mama struggled to put the hijab on her, she also felt it when mama took her hand and lead her to the car. She was just feeling numb, she all thought it was a dream because she still didn't believe a single word.." they would all come back telling her it was a false news, bilaal would come back to her and together,they would plan their wedding... She thought.

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