Chapter 8

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"Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account"-Anne Wilson Schaef


I regretted what I did , why will I just stammer like that? Oh Allah this is so embarrassing.... I mentally slapped myself. He will now think I'm crazy...a simple phone call got me stammering like I did something wrong oh God. What if he eventually comes? Oh my God I will just faint I knoww
    I inwardly groaned as I continued frying yamballs. Today is Thursday Abbu is at work, mama went to her charity foundation stuff and Adil has left for school very early in the morning. So I'm the only one at home.. oh I forgot maimuna is in the backyard doing only God knows what.And the time right now is 11:23am and I am getting my breakfast ready. To get those annoying thoughts out of my head, I plugged my earpiece and listened to 'At my worst by pink sweats and kehlani'
                     Can I call you baby?
                     Can you be my friend?
                     Can you be my lover up until
                     the very end?
                     Lemme show you love
                     Oh I don't pretend
                     Stick by my side even
                     when the world is giving in
                      Ohh ohh don't you worry, I'll be
                      there whenever you want me
                      I need somebody who can
                      love me at my worst.................

I continued singing and in few minutes, my yam balls was done, I quickly snap it and send it to my yeye girlfriend (yeahh streaks on Snapchat) I made a cup of hot chocolate and kept it on the counter, I grabbed my plate and turned to pick my steaming cup but it was no where, I kept the plate aside and looked up... What the hell?? I saw someone leaning on the kitchen door gently sipping from my mug.... yes my hot chocolate.....I screamed so loudly innalillahi it's a jinn....wayyo Allah na aljani. Instantly I heard the person laughing, oh noo wait it's ya Ali....but ya Ali is in school soo it's definitely the jinn that transformed to ya Ali's image.....I made to jump through the kitchen window. Thank God my phone is in my pocket so jumping through the window will be easy. I already forgot my breakfast..what really matter now is my life. And where the hell is maimuna?! Maybe the jinn has killed her already and I am next, I concluded.... 'wayyo mamaaa
    "Wait lil sis it's me wallahi, the jinn ya Ali said in between laughter

   I didn't pay any heed as I struggled to open the window.

  "Ameerah honestly it's me , I came back around 11:40 and found nobody, I came to the kitchen only to see you cooking and singing, I talked to you but you didn't even bulge, it was then I noticed you were using earpiece, by Allah I didn't mean to scare you.....he tried to explain

I stopped struggling with the window and looked at him carefully for the first time, it's my brother.... I sighed deeply and scowled,

"haba ya Ali wallah this is not good at all, it's haram, see how you got me scared....wait, what are you even doing here?.I mean why did you come back? I'm sure you are not done with your exams.

"Okay I am so sorry, he stepped forward and looked at me, heyy were you crying?

I rolled my eyes and touched my tear stained cheeks, by Allah I didn't know when those tears fall, I was so terrified so what do you expect

I cleaned my face and asked again"why did you come back?

"I have a week interval before the last paper, so I decided to come home and have some fun with my siblings, he winked

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