Chapter 7

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          "Medicine sometimes snatches away health, sometimes gives it"-Ovid

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After this chapter I will rest too🚶🚶

     *Bilaal's pov*

"I can't believe my break has finally come to an end, I have only 4 days left. I really need to do something about ameerah before going back to Lagos. What should I do then?
Maybe I should take her out (a date probably).Or maybe I should just go and meet her...... The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of the contemplation...i checked the phone and it was my aide-de-camp(camp assistant) Edward.

"Hello edward

"Good day captain BK, how is everything and the family?

"All fine Edward, how is Lagos?

"Lagos is fine, we can't wait for you to come back. We have two operations in two weeks time

"Ohhh I really can't wait because I kind of miss work.

"Alright capt, I heard that the air Marshal is throwing a lavish party for your team's successful operation that was carried out last month

"I also heard that but I'm not really sure Edward, whatever the case might be, we will talk when I get back. I said trying to end the call because I know Edward never gets tired of talking...

"Okay sir my regards to the family, goodbye

"Alright thank you, I said and ended the call

After the call, I went to ammi's room and I found her reading a prayer book. I said my Salam and entered... She closed the book and dropped her glasses on the table..

"Ammi ina wuni

"Lafiya Lau bilaal

"I'll be going back to Lagos on Sunday insha Allah"I noticed how the small smile on her face dropped

"Toh bilaal Allah ya kaimu lafiya, se wani shekaran Kuma koh

"No haba ammi, it's only 5months and I'll try my best to visit during weekends insha Allah.

She sighed"toh shikenan, may Allah continue to protect you

"Ameen ameen ammi , it's your prayers that keep me going...she smiled and I asked if needs anything which she replied no

"So...when are you bringing the girl? She asked changing the topic which I'm glad she did

I widened my eyes "which girl ammi?

She laughed and said "your wife to be ofcourse

"I smiled as I pictured ameerah's face"very soon ammi

That is always your answer bilaal, you are 26 for Allah's sake, I want to see my grandchildren ooo

"Ammi very soon insha Allah, I just need your blessings .

We continued talking about many things before asr prayer was called, I went out after telling ammi I would go to khalil's place after praying. I drove to a nearby mosque and prayed before heading to unguwan rimi...I smiled as I passed through many places that reminded me of the past. I've missed a lot actually. Ever since our dad passed away, I vowed to take care of my family, I always make sure they lack nothing especially nasreen who didn't experience a father's love. So I make sure she gets anything she wants, ammi has complained several times saying I am spoiling my little sister...but she couldn't stop me. I protect all my siblings and of course I scold them when they do wrong
I didn't let it all loose ended. There was a time I flogged Faisal because he was involved in a  group of fight after school hours.. that was years ago when he was in secondary school, I made sure I flogged the hell out of him and warned him. Since then, he apologized and stopped all sort of stubbornness. I smiled at the memory as Faisal is now in his final year in university.

Nabila my immediate younger sister lives here too with her husband and two lovely kids.... I smiled as I continued thinking about my family.....I suddenly remembered our earlier conversation with ammi earlier.
I will definitely meet ameerah....I prayed for the best and continued listening to the slow song that was playing. Few minutes later, I arrived at my destination. I honked and the gate man peeped before opening the gates, he greeted me and I just nodded. I parked and hopped out. I made way to the main entrance of the house, I said my Salam and I met his mum watching TV. I squatted and greeted"anty Khadija Ina wuni...
"Ahh yau mallam bilaal a gidan, sannu da zuwa
"Eh anty ya kwana biyu
"Lafiya Lau bilaal Ina hajiya hafsat da su nasreen
"Sunan lafiya , she send her regards.......Ina yaran gidan? I enquired about khalil's siblings and she told me they have gone to islamiyya.
I stood up and head to my dude's apartment, I saw his car outside so he is definitely in his room. I opened the door and the guy was doing something on his laptop(probably working from home)
Oga workaholic, I teased

He turned and sighed, Bari kawai, I'm tired of this work honestly

I laughed and said" you are just lazy bro, no choice

He ignored me and said so how is everything going, kakusa tafiya ma Ashe.

I just nodded.......

He closed the laptop and we went to their garden for some fresh air.... We talked about everything and nothing, I told him about Ameerah and he was like I can't really believe this guy, and who is this ameerah that stole your heart at a go. I just smiled because I also don't know how it happened.
He told me to let her know my intentions.
As maghrib was approaching, I got ready to leave because I spent almost 3 hours talking with Khalil, I baded anty Khadija goodbye and left. I stopped and prayed in a mosque, then drove to a supermarket and brought a few things and chocolates for nasreen before finally heading home.

   After Isha prayer, I decided to call ameerah,she picked after 3 rings
Assalamu alaikum, came her voice

Wa alaikumus salaam, how are you doing?

I'm good alhamdulillah, you?

"I am not fine because I am in love with you"I wanted to say but instead I replied alhamdulillah...

She kept quiet and I spoke again " I wanted to come to your house now, hope you won't mind?

Uhmm...yes, no, I mean are you coming to see mama? She stammered

I chuckled no actually just wanted to see you

She kept quiet maybe afraid to stammer again....

Ameerah you there??

Oh,ahhh yes ,uhmm sorry mama is calling me right now, I need to go,bye.

And she cut the call.

I smiled because I understood her situation, she won't just let me come to her house like that..... right??

Anyways, I have to go tomorrow insha Allah
It's now or never bilaal...





Sup guys?
Bilaal is leaving kd in 4 days time, will ameerah accept him in just 4 days??🤔
And tomorrow he will meet his princess💃💃
What do you think will happen?
Let's find out in the next chappiee
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