Chapter 37

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"Variability is the law of life, and as no two faces are the same,so no two bodies are alike,and no two individuals react alike and behave alike under the abnormal conditions which we know as disease"-William Osler

A week later
Ameerah promised to go for the outing today. Humaid dressed up around 11am, he met ammi, Faisal and nasreen he joined them on the dining and ate. They talked while they ate.... Humaid decided not to inform ammi about bringing ameerah, he wanted to surprise her. So after eating, he hurriedly stood up saying he had somewhere to go. He went back to his room yeah his room and sprayed perfume, he picked his car key and left.

He had been having this unusual feeling within himself, he just wanted to be seeing ameerah everyday, he always wants to make sure she is alright...he develops a particular feeling for his patients which go away once they are okay....a pathetic feeling precisely, but Ameerah's case is different, the feeling has refused to go's more like caring for her.....well I think she's supposed to be taken good care of because she's heart broken... don't you think you can mend her broken heart? I'm sure you can bring the small pieces together....and make her happy again .....the feeling you are having defines love...what do you think?" his inner voice suggested...
What?? Noo this is impossible, ameerah can never accept me. And I am not inlove with her!.....the feeling is maybe infatuation or something else but definitely not love!...... he concluded as he continued driving

Damn it!! I don't even have her phone number.....I would have just called her...
He muttered when he reached the gate. He came out and thankfully, he saw Adil coming out of the house..... Adil walked to him and greeted him......
"Adil can you please call ameerah....

"Yes sure, ya Humaid....
Adil said and entered the house

After a few minutes, ameerah came out dressed in a purple atamfa gown, and a matching veil draped over her head, she held her small handbag and phone.....she approached Humaid smiling while the knot in his chest tightened.... Just her looks are driving you crazy and you said you are not in love? Wake up Humaid!!
His inner voice spoke again....he quickly dismissed the thought and rushed to the passengers door, he opened the door and she smiled and entered.He keeps reminding her of bilaal, the gentleness and everything what do you expect ameerah, they are cousins.... He walked to the drivers seat, They exchanged greetings and he said" I'll be taking you somewhere first before going to ammi"

"Okay no problem, I hope we won't waste much time

"We won't I promise...

...she agreed and the silence was a bit awkward for both of them, no one spoke so Humaid turned on the car speakers....and Justin Bieber's song Ghost played softly

"Young blood thinks there's always tomorrow
I need more time but time can't be borrowed
I'd leave it all behind if I could follow

Since the love that you left is all that I get
I want you to know that......

If I can't be close to you
I'll settle for the ghost of you
I miss you more than life
And if you can't be next to me
Your memory is ecstasy
I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life...........

As the song played, tears fell freely from Ameerah's eyes, she couldn't help was as if those words were for bilaal...she felt them.... Humaid was totally unaware of the tears. He turned to say something to her when he saw the tears, the words stucked in his throat. He felt a pain in his heart when he saw her tears....he had no idea why she was crying because his mind wasn't on the music that was playing, he was deep in his own thoughts too.

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