Chapter 44

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" What is called genius is the abundance of of life and health"-Henry David Thoreau

It's almost 3 months and their love for each other keeps increasing every single day. Humaid has been nothing but a loving and caring partner, he does everything to make ameerah happy. Almost everyone knows about them, especially humaid's aunties, they were all happy saying he has finally gotten a girl.Mummy always call ameerah to check up on her. She sends her lots of gifts. Ameerah is truly blessed, she wondered the kind of love they would show her if she eventually marries Humaid. 

Ameerah visited ammi twice, the woman who gave her strength, "if not for ammi, I think my relationship with Humaid will never get stronger" ameerah would always say, ammi is her iron woman and also a role model. She deserves every Respect...

Zara's wedding date was getting closer. Bethrotal gifts were brought already and every other thing has been planned. The countdown has began ......

Ameerah had just finished eating breakfast when her phone vibrated, she checked and saw it was Humaid...she smiled before answering

"Boo bear....she cooed

"Good morning darling...and I'm not a bear
He said and she laughed, he always complain that the name doesn't suit him....but ameerah loves the name and that's what she calls him with....

"Of course you are not a bear....but a boo bear, common babe it's an endearment...I love it..

"It is supposed to be for small babies not a grown up man like me .....I am 28 for goodness sake
He emphasized and she laughed again...

" bear is not changing, never and ever

"I have no other choice, I must learn to like it...he sighed

"How's my ammi ?

"She's fine alhamdulillah, nasreen wanted to visit you but I stopped her....


"She will soon write exams but she keeps running from home ..... visiting friends and other useless outing

"Please take it easy on my bullying

"Nasreen is not your darling....

"Of course she is my little darling

"Okay....thank God you said little

She laughed....

"I have something to tell you baby....

"Yes, I'm all ears..

"I'll be leaving next month

"Leaving?? Where?  She sounded confused

"Hey calm down, I'll be going back to leave has come to an end

"Oh God....I can't believe it's almost a year

"Time flies

"Are you coming back?
She suddenly asked in a cracky voice....she didn't want him to leave...

"Of course I'll come back insha Allah, or do you want us to get married this we could leave together?

"You must be joking right?

"I'm serious, we can get married next week and leave..... I'll be very happy.

"What about my studies?
She reminded him.

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