She could hear Jimin easily and she could also hear Uriah if he happened to cry.

Jimin stared down at his son as he crawled up in bed. He took off of his slides and propped his legs up, crossing his ankles and looking up at the tv screen that was playing SpongeBob.

He thought back on his day, reflecting on the few cars he worked on and the money he made. It was a bit of a slow day but not many could find time to bring their cars in some days so he could understand.

Still, they loved Jimin's work because he was a perfectionist and particular when it came to fixing cars or even painting/washing cars.

The pay was good, but he would've liked to upgrade some things in order to ensure the business didn't dwindle.

Besides that, there were some odd parts of his day.

He was on the way to some diner for his lunch break to pick up food. He noticed he was being followed. Never had Jimin ever had that problem. So it was odd for him. But he was still able to pick out when some shit was off.

He wanted to tell Michelle about it the minute he hit the door, but he had to tend to Uriah.

Now would be a good time. She deserved to know as both his wife and the mother of his child.

"Michelle!" He shouted out to her.

"What's up?" Michelle called out, projecting her voice so that he heard her.

"I have to tell you something." Jimin despised, rocking Uriah a bit. The baby's eyes was closing. He had consumed a great bit of his bottle and was now tired.

"Okay..." Michelle dragged. "What is it?" She asked.

Jimin took the bottle from Uriah's mouth. He grabbed a hold of his to and placed it over his shoulder before bringing the baby up to his shoulder.

He started to pay his back at a consistent pace, being gentle but still trying to force a burp out of the one in a half month old.

"Come here right quick." Jimin said. Michelle smacked her lips.

"Baby I'm doing my hairrr!" Michelle dragged out dramatically.

"I'm not gonna hold you for long I just wanna say this to your face, baby." He said.

Michelle kissed her teeth and fished for her bonnet. When she found it, she placed it over her head before walking into the room and sitting on the bed.

"What's going on?" Michelle asked.

"I don't wanna freak you out with what I'm about to say, and I really don't want to sound crazy I believe I was being followed." He said calmly.

Michelle frowned. "What? Why you say that?" She asked.

"Because it was obvious. I was on my lunch break and this black car just came out of nowhere. Windows tinted and all. When I parked they waited a distance away but when I started driving again the was right on my trail." He explained.

"What the hell." Michelle said. Jimin clicked his tongue.

"Luckily I caught on because I was able to dodge them on the way back home. But I'm telling you because I want you being careful with Uriah and yourself." He said.

"Okay." Michelle mumbled, her mind racing.

"I don't want you working late until I find out what's going on. And I don't want him out around too many people. Of course the Kim's, his grandpa and his uncles are exceptions..." Jimin said.

"But still. I stand on what I said."

It had been so long since Jimin was involved in shit like this. He didn't even sell weed anymore. Yes he still had his gun and was still smart when it came to the streets in general, but he didn't expect for this shit to just come back up in his life.

Obviously he was wrong.

He didn't want to make his enemies anybody else's but Jimin didn't have enemies to be honest. He felt like something was incredibly off and whoever this was had some vendetta against somebody close to them...

"I'll b-be careful but Jimin that's still terrifying to think about. What if it happens again and they follow you home? Or what if you have Uri one day and...I don't even wanna think about it."

"Then I'll handle it. I'm gonna start handling it now. It's overwhelming to think about, I know. But you're safe and out baby is safe." He said.

Michelle stared at the back of Uriah's head as Jimin rocked him.

"I'll protect you both. You know that."

"I know." Michelle said softly, her entire mood changing.

"Give me a kiss." Jimin softly demands, wishing to lighten the mood.

Michelle leaned in to kiss his lips before standing and walking back to the bathroom.

Jimin knew it must've been a lot for her to take in. But he said she was protected and he meant that. He wouldn't let a soul get to Michelle or Uriah or even himself because he knew how badly it would hurt them.

He just needed to figure all of this out. Because it honestly did appear out of nowhere...

A/n: short, I know. But since we in the double digits now, let's touch a more.... dirtier side of this book💀💀

Excuse any mistakes <3.

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now